

    毕业论文关键词:多轴箱  动力箱  主轴  传动轴  可编程控制器

    Abstract   The Building-block Machine is a kind of special machine.It is often used to process components.Multiple Spindle Case is the major part of the Building-block Machine.The project of the Multiple Spindle Case which is used to drill Ф12(or Ф14) depends on a pationlar part -support bed.It improve product efficiency and quality. During the course of design, the size of the box is calculated according to the drawing of the refined machine part. Through fixing the machining parameters by the drilling process can we calculate the cutting parameter of the drilling process. Then, we can calculate dynamic parameters and choose the power box. After that, we lay down the transmission scheme. We choose axis, bearing, gear, gasoline pumps and other matching element according to the transmission scheme and design requirement and calculate the coordinate of main spindle and drive shaft. At last, we check the axis, bearing, and gear. We will achieve that drilling can be processed on the same machine tool and we can use more than one cutting tool to process the workpiece on several aspects. Therefore, through a higher density of the procedure can we obtain a superior productivity.

    Key words: Multiple Spindle ,Case;Spindle,Transmission,Shaft;Programmable Logic Controller.


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题研究目的和意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状及发展的趋势 1

    第二章 零件工艺的分析及加工工艺 3

    2.1  工艺路线卡片 3

    2.2 组合机床工艺分析 5

    2.3 影响工艺方案的主要因素 6

    2.4  工序间余量的确定 7

    2.5  刀具结构的选择 8

    第三章 组合机床的整体配置形式及各主要部件选择 10

    3.1 原理部分 10

    3.2计算部分 11

    3.2.1主轴、齿轮的确定及动力计算 11

    3.2.2、多轴箱传动设计 12

    3.2.3演算中心矩误差 18

    第四章  传动系统的设计及校核 20

    4.1齿轮的计算 20

    4.1.1组合机床切削用量选择的特点、方法及注意问题 20

    4.1.2、确定切削力、切削转矩、切削功率及刀具耐用度 21


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