


    Abstract All kinds of plastic pipes and composite pipes can not fully adapt to the development of water supply pipe and the quality requirements of drinking water pipeline, and in view of the comprehensive performance of the stainless steel pipe is superior to other metal pipe, stainless steel pipe will be the leader of the modern construction market pipe industry. Traditional stainless steel pipes, threaded connections and the main trend of recent years, are suppressed to connect to replace. Entrapment connected with high efficiency, reliable and aesthetic characteristics of the crimping effect, especially in thin-walled pipe. This article related to the contents of the structural design of electric compression clamp, the principle of the corresponding analysis. Electric compression clamp shell. Shell within the motor, the motor output shaft connected through the coupling and reduction gear, deceleration mechanism by coupling with the screw shaft, part connected to the screw axis through the nut and the front-end jaw. In order to power agencies, transmission and executing agencies to form a closed system, using a three-rigid connections, are the flange connection, the connection on the 1st and the 2nd connector. The purpose is to form a closed chain system, the interaction between the various agencies into internal force, no impact on the housing, not because the resistance is too large, Caused by front-end to perform out of institutions and back-end institutions.

    Keywords: System;Agency;Connector;Bearing parts;

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究目的和意义 1

    1.3 国内外研究现状 1

    1.4 本文主要内容 2

    第二章 本研究内容的总体方案设计 3

    2.1 电力控制系统的方案设计 3

    2.2 动系统的方案设计 4

    2.3 体结构的方案设计 4

    第三章 电动机的选择 5

    3.1 电动机类型的选择 5

    3.2 电动机功率的选择 5

    3.3 电动机转速的选择 5

    3.4 动力参数的计算 6

    第四章 丝杠螺母副的设计 8

    4.1 丝杠轴的设计与计算 8

    4.2 螺母的设计与计算

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