





    The pipe cutting equipment is mainly used in the production of vehicles, industry or building materirals. The objects of our work are various models of pipe materials.with the development of the society.people have a large demand on the design of high-efficiency cutting machines. Because of the development of pipe cutting machine promote the development of the manufacturing industry, and lead people to the direction of high precision, high efficiency and low cost.

    The main content of this design is to do the process design, transmission device design ,the roller structure design and the feed system design.The design of transmission device includes the selection of motor ,the formulation of the transmission scheme, the design and calculation of the transmission mechanism and the drive shaft,then I carry on a detailed check.Though the result of the data,we can use three-dimensional software SolidWorks to do the modeling of moving structures,include:gears,worm gear,worm and worm, roller and so on.After the modeling ,we must integrate with the characterisitics of various components,considering the assembly relations of the structure and using SolidWorks platform to assemble the various components. Then we can draw assembly diagrams and some part drawings of machine parts with AutoCAD.

    The design of the pipe cutting equipment has a simple operation, low production cost, simple maintenance and high efficiency.This machine has positive siginificants in reducing labor intensity and improving production efficiency.

    Key words: pipe cutting equipment, design and calculation, modling, SolidWorks

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 1

    1.3 课题内容和实用价值 2

    第二章  传动装置设计与计算 3

    2.1 电动机的选择 3

    2.2 拟定传动方案 4

    2.3 计算各轴的转速、转率和功率 5

    2.4 估算各轴最小直径 7

    2.5 传动机构的设计与计算 8

    2.5.1带轮的设计与计算 8

    2.5.2蜗轮蜗杆的设计与计算 10


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