

    毕业论文关键词: 成组技术; 产品设计;零件库; 参数化设计 

    Abstract  In order to get rid of the traditional production due to varieties, yield caused by little trouble, and to get close to the production of a large number of economic benefits. Study of the theory of group technology and the domestic and foreign application of group technology, found the product design application of group technology in reducing cost, improve labor productivity have a prominent role. In this paper, through the establishment of Solidworks parts of the three-dimensional model, by using parametric design. The model will be built according to the structure, process, the shape of the different classification. The results obtained after the implementation of GT group technology is analyzed, the improving labor productivity, which later adopted this method can fast and effective product development.

     Keywords:  Group technology; Product design; Parts Library; Parametric design


    第一章 绪论 II

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 实施成组技术的意义 2

    1.3 成组技术的基本原理 2

    1.3.1 成组技术概念 2

    1.3.2 成组技术原理 2

    1.4 成组技术的发展现状和应用 3

    1.4.1 成组技术的发展现状 3

    1.4.2 成组技术的应用 4

    1.5 本文研究内容 7

    第二章 成组技术在生产系统的应用技术基础 8

    2.1 零件编码法则及分类编码系统 8

    2.1.1国内外分类编码系统简介 8

    2.2 零件分类成组的常用方法 10

    2.2.1 视检法 10

    2.2.2 生产流程分析法 11

    2.3 成组生产系统及工艺过程设计 11

    第三章 参数化设计 12

    3.1阀体的三维造型 12

    3.2填料座的三维造型 16

    3.3填料压盖的三维造型 18

    3.4参数化建模 20

    第四章零件的成组分类 28

    4.1阀体的分类 30

    4.2 零件参数图库 33

    4.2.1 衬套的参数图表 33

    4.2.2罩子的参数图表 34

    4.2.3套筒的参数图表 35

    4.2.4阀芯的参数图表 36


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