




    The surface roughness  refers to the parts on the surface with small spacing and tiny peak and valley of geometric shape micro characteristics. It develops in the process of mechanical processing, directly affecting the parts with nature, the surface of the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, sealing, thermal conductivity and service life. According to the roughness of the geometry of the definition,we can measure the Ra, Ry parameters by profilometer.

    3D design software Pro/E, video production software movie rubik's cube, sound processing software Goldwave, image processing software Isee and multimedia animation Authorware software. Quoting the multimedia technology, the experiment teaching becomes more interactive and interesting meanwhile enhancing students to master the experimental principle and get much more about the principle of profilometer.

    Keywords: surface roughness; Authorware; profilometer

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2 研究现状及存在的问题 1

    第二章 计算机辅助教学技术概述 3

    2.1计算机辅助教学的概念及意义 3

    2.2多媒体程序的开发过程 4

    2.2.1需求分析 4

    2.2.2教学设计 5

    2.2.3编写脚本 5

    2.2.4素材的准备 6

    2.2.5程序的生成、测试与打包 6

    2.2.6多媒体程序制作需要注意的问题 6

    第三章 设计思路 7

    3.1 总体设计 7

    3.2多媒体程序的设计 7

    3.2.1文字的设计 7

    3.2.2声音的设计 8

    3.2.3图形、图像、动画、视频的设计 8

    3.2.4按钮、热字及热键的设计 9

    3.2.5颜色的设计 9

    第四章 软件学习 10

    4.1概述 10

    4.2 Authorware 10

    4.3 Pro/E 13

    4.4电影魔方 15

    4.5 Goldwave和Isee 15

    第五章 素材制作 16

    5.1 Pro/E三维建模 16

    5.1.1零件建模 16

    5.1.2组件 22


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