    关键词  特种越野车,多连杆非独立悬架,螺旋弹簧,交叉纵臂
    Title      Special SUV Suspension Design  
    Special SUV is the SUV that working in unique situations,such as open-air construction sites and mine tampings. Special SUV are mainly working on off-road which are really poor. Therefore, the suspension system of special SUV need to satisfy harder requirement than others. Nowadays, native market is occupied by foreign companies. With the increasing demand, the research on the suspension of special SUV has become more and more important.
      According to the overall design, writer takes use of ADAMS/Car to evaluate the suspension model and main parts of it. The major content:
    (1) The overall design of the suspension and build the dynamic model.The natural frequency of the fore and rear suspension is 1.605Hz and 1.851Hz. It is beneficial to the ride comfort.
    (2) Spring and link. The fore and rear suspensions of the special SUV are both muti-link dependent suspension with helical spring. And the rear suspension uses the special crossing longitudinal control arm to elevate the bump and rebound travel.
    (3) Suspension ride comfort analysis. Taking use of the ADAMS/Car to analyze the ride comfort.
    (4) The analysis and improvement of the distribution. Writer analyze the distribution according to the character of the multi-link and the force at the important point to improve the suspension through ADAMS/Car.
      The design in this essay mainly concentrate on the improvement of the ride comfort and the bump and rebound travel. The research can be helpful to the design of the special SUV.
    Keywords  Special SUV, multi-link dependent suspension, helical spring, crossing longitudinal control arm
    目   次 
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  研究内容    2
    1.4  本章小结    2
    2  ADAMS软件模块概述及建模方法    3
    2.1  ADAMS软件概述    3
    2.2  ADAMS软件模块    3
    2.3  ADAMS/CAR建模方法    3
    2.4  本章小结    5
    3  悬架系统设计    6
    3.1  悬架及其设计概述    6
    3.2  悬架总体设计    7
    3.3  悬架主要参数的确定    9
    3.4  弹性元件的设计    10
    3.5  悬架导向机构的设计    13
    3.6  本章小结    16
    4  多连杆悬架系统前悬架跳动分析    17
    4.1  前悬架的结构特点    17
    4.2  前悬架结构运动学分析    17
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