    摘要由于各行业中对于冷却换热的要求越来越高, 换热问题已经成为某些行业的关键瓶颈问题。因此急需找到新型的换热方式解决人们对高热流密度换热的需求,喷雾冷却正是新型换热方式中最具潜力的换热方式之一。另外,喷雾在红外隐身方面的一些优点也逐渐受到人们的重视。根据快速喷雾冷却的要求设计、搭建了实验装置,实验中主要针对喷雾高度和角度、喷嘴入口压力、流量等主要因素进行实验分析,并简单分析其换热机理。实验对喷雾冷却和喷雾遮蔽对红外隐身的效果进行了分析,通过对喷雾冷却和喷雾遮蔽对红外隐身的比较,单纯的喷雾遮蔽很难快速使80℃左右表面达到红外隐身的效果,而喷雾冷却和喷雾遮蔽结合能够达到很好隐身效果。7259
    关键词  喷雾冷却  装置设计  换热特性   红外隐身
    Title  Spray cooling system of high-temperature parts design
    Due to the higher demand for cooling heat exchanger in various sectors, the heat transfer problem has become Key bottlenecks in some sectors. Therefore people urgently need to find a new type of heat exchanger to address the demand for high heat flux heat transfer. One of the most potential in the new heat exchanger is the spray cooling heat exchanger way. In addition, people gradually pay attention to some of the advantages of the spray in the infrared stealth.
    According to the rapid spray cooling requirements, experimental setup is designed and built. The experiment focuses on spray height and angle of the nozzles, entrance pressure, flow, and other major factor in the experimental analysis, and a simple analysis of the heat transfer mechanism. In the experiment, the effect of the infrared stealth about spray cooling and the shelter of spray is analyzed .Compared the spray cooling to the shelter of spray, simple spray shelter is difficult to quickly reach Infrared Stealth effect on the surface of about 80 ℃.But the combination of spray cooling and the shelter of spray can achieve a good stealth effect.
    Keywords  Spray cooling   Device design   Heat transfer characteristics   Infrared stealth
    目 录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  应用背景    1
    1.2  喷雾冷却的研究现状    1
    1.2.1  喷雾冷却的换热机理    1
    1.2.2  影响因素    3
    1.3    喷雾红外隐身的研究现状    6
    1.4    本文的主要工作    7
    2    喷雾实验装置设计    8
    2.1    模拟热源系统    9
    2.1.1    热源系统介绍    9
    2.1.2    加热板加热功率估算    10
    2.2    喷雾系统    11
    2.2.1    喷雾流量估算    11
    2.2.2    喷嘴    12
    2.2.3    微型高压水泵    17
    2.3    测量系统    18
    2.3.1    测量系统装置介绍    18
    2.3.2    热点偶制作与标定    21
    3    喷雾冷却的换热特性研究    23
    3.1  喷嘴垂直喷射时高度对喷雾冷却的影响    23
    3.2  喷嘴喷射时倾斜角度对喷雾冷却的影响    24
    3.3  喷雾流量对冷却换热的影响    26
    3.4  入口水温对冷却换热的影响    28
    4    喷雾对红外隐身的综合效应    29
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