    关键词: 环形炉;热平衡;热效率;设计
    The Design of the Annular Furnace
    Abstract: Annular furnace is mainly by the stove bottom rotating, placed on a bottom blank in the furnace by loading and move to a higher degree of mechanical outlet of furnace. Which is composed of a rotary hearth furnace, furnace top, furnace wall, steel structure, pipe system. This design mainly aims at the design of annular heating furnace size, fuel and exhaust system, including fuel combustion calculation, calculation, calculation of billet heating furnace to determine the basic size, the heat balance calculation and the determination of fuel consumption, combustion device selection, pipeline system and exhaust system calculation.
    Thermal efficiency is determined by calculation of the thermal balance of furnace. Thermal efficiency decides the quality of the design of furnace, the heat efficiency of furnace is good generally high, so as to achieve energy saving effect. Thermal efficiency calculated the later determine its economic and technical indicators are in line with the provisions of the standard, if not, will be improved design.
    Keywords: annular furnace; heat balance; thermal efficiency; design
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状及水平    1
    1.3  设计中应注意的问题    2
    2  设计目的及基本条件    1
    2.1  加热炉炉型的选择    3
    2.2  设计的主要内容    3
    2.3  基本设计条件    3
    2.3.1  炉型    3
    2.3.2  加热坯料的钢种及规格    3
    2.3.3  钢坯加热要求    4
    2.3.4  环形炉生产能力    4
    2.3.5  装出料方式    4
    2.3.6  燃料条件    4
    2.4  炉型特点与节能措施    4
    2.4.1  环形炉炉型特点    4
    2.4.2  环形炉设计技术特点    4
    2.4.3  环形炉技术措施    5
    3  工艺流程简介    6
    4  环形炉本体工艺与结构说明    7
    4.1  炉体钢结构    7
    4.1.1  炉墙钢结构设计特点    7
    4.1.2  炉底钢结构设计特点    7
    4.1.3  平台、栏杆及梯子    8
    4.2  炉门及窥视孔    8
    4.2.1  炉门    8
    4.2.2  窥视孔    8
    4.3  砌筑材料    8
    4.3.1  炉子砌筑部位组要组成    8
    5  管道系统及风机    10
    5.1  在管道布置上应注意事项    10
    5.2  风机    10
    6  排烟系统    11
    6.1  烟道    11
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