


     The improvement of the shape of the mixing cup cover and the mold design

    Abstract: This article through to the process of making a series of corresponding parts analysis and structure analysis, from the technology of product structure, practicability, low cost and so on various aspects to consider, and on the basis of the die structure of concrete, design the mould for one module and two cavities in the first place. According to the actual shape of the refrigerator bottle under the seat chose a relatively reasonable parting parting surface, the slide block and side core-pulling, device of oblique guide pillar and is also equipped with push rod for the refrigerator bottle under the seat ejection, and the mold of gating system, cooling system, mold molding part of the structure, selection of injection machine and related parameters of checking are detailed design calculation. This design is to use AutoCAD, UG, drawing software to complete the mold 2 d drawings and 3 d modeling. Although the design of the mould structure is simple, reliable work, however, to some extent, and can achieve the refrigerator under the bottle of the required quality and processing technology, the design of some mould figure in the practical application of production also has a certain guiding significance.

    Keyword: Stirring cup cover; Injection mold; Side core pulling mechanism 

    目  录

    1  引言 1

    1.1 模具行业发展现状 1

    1.2 课题背景与设计内容 2

    2  塑件成型工艺分析 4

    2.1 设计任务 4

    2.2 塑件分析 4

    2.3 塑件的原材料分析 4

    2.4 塑件成型工艺分析 5

    2.4.1精度等级 5

    2.4.2脱模斜度 5

    3  注塑成型机的选择和成型腔数的确定 6

    3.1 注塑成型机的选择 6

    3.1.1零件体积和投影面积 6

    3.1.2 模具所需塑料熔体注射量 6

    3.1.3 锁模力 6

    3.1.4选择注塑机及注射机的主要参数 6

    3.2注塑机的校核 7

    3.2.1注射容量的校核 7

    3.2.2注塑压力的校核 8

    3.2.3锁模力校核 8


    3.3 成型腔数的确定

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