
    摘要高速飞行弹丸气动力特性受引信外形尺寸影响较大。为了了解引信外形尺寸和外露结构对引信气动力特性的影响,以23 mm口径高炮榴弹、23 mm口径航炮榴弹、37mm口径舰炮榴弹和35mm口径高炮多功能弹阻力系数为例,利用MATLAB软件求解质心外弹道数学模型,并利用FLUENT仿真软件对其气动力特性进行了仿真分析。仿真得到的弹道解与文献给出的数据吻合,说明外弹道解算过程正确。利用FLUENT仿真软件仿真所得阻力系数,与这些弹丸标定的弹形系数给出的阻力系数较为一致,相对误差最大只有7.3%。应用FLUENT仿真软件,进一步仿真研究了引信扳手孔数量和对称性、弹头引信头部直径、头部形状、头部触发区凹陷、外露长度、与弹体交汇处光滑程度、外轮廓母线形状、弹底引信外露长度、凸台有无对弹丸气动力特性的影响。其中影响较大的因素有与弹体交汇处光滑程度、外轮廓母线形状、弹头引信头部形状、弹底引信尾部凸台。60661

    毕业论文关键词  引信外形  数值仿真 阻力系数 气动力特性 外弹道学


    Title    A simulation research on the aerodynamic characteristics of the            projectile related to the shape of fuze


    The aerodynamic characteristics of High speed projectile are greatly influenced by fuze shape size.In order to know the influence of the aerodynamic characteristics of fuze related to fuze shape size and the structure of exposed,With the resistance coefficient of 23 mm anti-aircraft gun shrapnel, 23 mm air gun shrapnel,37 mm caliber naval gun shrapnel and 35 mm anti-aircraft gun multi-functional shrapnel as an example,use MATLAB software to solve mass center outside ballistic mathematical model and Using FLUENT simulation software to analyze its aerodynamic characteristics.Because simulation of ballistic solution in accordance with the literature data is given,explain the process of external ballistic equations are correct.The drag coefficient Using the FLUENT simulation software to get is is more uniform with the resistance coefficient of these calibration of the elastic .Maximum relative error is only 7.3%.Applying FLUENT simulation software,study further  the influence on projectile aerodynamic characteristics resulting from wrench hole number and symmetry,warhead fuze head diameter,head shape,hollow of head trigger,exposed length, degree of smooth of the position connected with missile body,shape of outline bus outside, exposed length of bomb fuze, convex platform with and without. The more influential factors in all are degree of smooth of the position connected with missile body,shape of outline bus outside,head shape and convex platform with and without.

    Keywords    fuze shape   numerical simulation drag coefficient     aerodynamic characteristics external ballistics

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外对引信的研究进展 1

    1.2.1 国外研究进展 2

    1.2.2 国内研究进展 2

    1.3  研究内容 3

    1.4  研究的相关技术 4

    1.5  本文的主要工作 4

    2  外弹道模型的建立 6

    2.1  坐标系与弹道诸元 6

    2.2  基本假设 7

    2.3  理想外弹道模型 7

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