    关键词 : 加工中心;刀具库;数控系统;总装与控制
    Chain magazine design of CNC machining center
    Abstract:With the development of science and technology, the rise of advanced manufacturing technology and continues to mature, while very important in modern manufacturing processing center a higher demand high-speed cutting,ultra-precision processing technology, the processing center The elements of a higher performance index. As the machining center with tool libraries, greatly increasing the storage capacity of the tool. Help to improve spindle rigidity, independent tool storage, tool storage significantly increased the number of help expand the functions of machine tools, and can better isolate the various factors that affect the machining accuracy of the interference.
    Automatic tool changer with tool change time should be short, high repeat positioning accuracy tool, adequate reserves tools, small size, security and reliability features. Knife is the role of the Treasury reserves a certain number of tool, cutting tool in the tool used for the main part of the cutting, drilling, milling, processing, and so boring. Processing center of the main tool by the motor, brakes, reducer, geneva, sprocket chain formed. Reducer are two cylindrical gear reducer, the compact structure, transmission ratio, are contained good effect. As a power source for the motor, it is necessary to choose the economic benefits of the motor; reducer in the shaft and gear are required to check for strength, calculated in accordance with the shaft bending stress to check their strength; tank round of institutions to choose the appropriate slot for the number of sales ; control of the main PLC elections knife in the role
    Key words:machining centers ;tool library;numerically controlled lathe assembly and control
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 加工中心简介    1
    1.1.1 加工中心的发展简史    1
    1.1.2 加工中心的结构组成    1
    1.1.3 加工中心的分类    2
    1.1.4 加工中心的主要优点    3
    1.2 刀库    3
    1.2.1 刀库简介    3
    1.2.2 刀库的类型    4
    2 刀库设计方案的拟定    7
    3 链式刀库机械传动系统设计    8
    3.1 HP型链条的计算    8
    3.2 动力系统计算与液压马达的选择    10
    3.3 降速装置的设计与计算    12
    3.3.1 确定减速箱的总传动比及分配传动比    12
    3.3.2 降速装置轴的设计    13
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