    关键词:传感器  检测  自动化  机械设计  
    The test bench design of speed sensor
    Abstract:This equipment is designed to test the speed performance parameters of the speed sensor on test bench, this paper introduces the design and working principle of speed sensor online test bed. Based on the enterprise demand for efficient production efficiency, the device has automatic detection function. Equipment mainly by the testing agency, various institutions, product tooling marking, power sensing, dial indicator testing agencies, motor, industrial PC and display parts. Installed sensor under test, through electricity, start the motor starting test, to compare the measured data with standard sensors, finally consists the body marking for testing qualified products. From the beginning to sensor installed on the test bed, only one minute to complete the speed sensor detection, can be efficient and accurate to test the speed sensor. The workbench's main function is to realize the automation of speed sensor test, reduce error rate, and improve work efficiency.
    Keywords:sensor;detection;automation;mechanical design;
    1绪论    1
    1.1传感器的分类及作用    1
    1.2我国汽车产业现状    1
    1.3自动化技术的趋势    2
    1.4相关知识    3
    1.4.1测试技术知识    3
    1.4.2  LABVIEW简介    3
    2 速度传感器测试工作台的设计依据    4
    2.1产品介绍    4
    2.1.1 产品简介    4
    2.1.2 课题简介    5
    2.2设备组成    7
    2.3主要参数    7
    3 速度传感器测试工作台的方案拟定    11
    3.1自动循环动作方块图如下    11
    3.2总体布局方案拟定    11
    3.3 机构方案初步拟定    13
    3.3.1检测机构    13
    3.3.2工装机构=传感导电机构+压紧机构+打标机构    14
    3.3.3 软件设计    14
    4 速度传感器测试工作台的设计计算和选择    15
    4.1气压系统的设计计算和选择    15
    4.1.1 气缸的计算和选择    15
    4.1.2 气动系统原理图的拟定    18
    4.1.3 气压元件的选择    19
    4.2主要零件的设计计算    19
    4.2.1电机的计算和选择    19
    4.2.2 轴的设计计算    21
    4.2.3轴承的校核    30
    5 速度传感器测试工作台的结构设计    31
    5.1检测机构结构设计    31
    5.2 工装机构的结构设计    32
    5.3工作台平衡机构结构设计    33
    6 总结    34
    致谢    35
    参考文献    36
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