


    Abstract The vergence implement design is used for light automobile originally time. Effect that the thesis is first to vergence, the population function basically, composing , demanding system has carried out analysis. The characteristic has carried out analysis on space location and structure changing to a department at the same time , simple summary changing to transmission-mechanism.  Have ascertained the structure changing to an implement and have arranged a form, have analysed the characteristic and drive efficiency changing to the implement falling-in drive. For the rack and pinion failure of steering gear,a virtual prototype model of which based on UG was established,and the interference detection,kinematic and dynamic simulations were conducted. According to the simulation results,themaximum load of rack and pinion suffered was obtained.The tooth root bending stress,tooth surface contacting  stress and fatigue life of rack and pinion under the maximum load was analyzed by ANSYS.

    Keywords: automobile steering device;rack and pinion;motion simulation;finite element method


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1转向系的发展 1

    1.2 轿车转向系统的发展概况 2

    第二章  转向系的主要性能参数 4

    2.1 转向系的效率 4

    2.1.1 转向器的正效率 4

    2.1.2 转向器的逆效率 5

    2.2 转向系统总体性能 6

    2.3转向系的空间位置及结构特点 7

    2.4齿轮齿条式转向器的布置形式 8

    2.5 转向器参数选取 8

    2.6齿轮轴和齿条的设计计算 8

    (1) 选择材料及热处理方式 9

    (2) 确定许用应力 9

    2.7 齿轮齿条传动受力分析 12

    2.8 齿轮轴的强度校核 12

    2.9 齿轮轴的结构设计 15

    第三章UG建模和运动仿真 16

    3.1 参数化实体模型的建立 16

    3.1.1 螺旋齿轮参数化建模 16

    3.2 斜齿条的参数化建模 18

    3.3 UG齿轮的建模 19

    3.4 转向器的虚拟装配 22

    3.5汽车转向器的虚拟分析 24

    第四章ANSYS分析 26


            4.1.1 建立齿轮模型-26

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