



    Abstract With the growth of output of city life trash and the more complicated composition , the harm is increasingly highlight. The harm is not duo to the unilateral factor, but all aspects of factors, such as the improved quality of living standards  ,the changes of consumption concept , people's generally lack of awareness of environmental protection, the government's burden 5s too heavy and the lack of funds and so on. Through the learning of foreign garbage disposal, absorbing their experiences, i design  the resonale programme to let the garbage waste to treasure and take a new concept of sustainable development.

       The program is mainly composed of a belt conveyer, washing cylinder, a windlass ,and through reasonable assembly they are combined into a garbage treatment of the washing components.The core components of the belt conveyor are conveyor belt, and roller. Then the core components of washing cylinder are valve, pump and cylinder. And the core components of  hoist are the fixed pulley, motor,and reducer. With the steps of the belt's feeding 、unloading,the washing cylinder's washing,the windlass's feeding 、unloading , it completed the washing work before garbage disposal .

    Keywords:city life garbage;belt conveyor;washing barrel; windlass 


    第一章 绪论 1

       1.1 引言 1

    1.2  城市垃圾的路线和方向 2

    1.3 课题预期目标 2

    第二章TD650带式输送机 3

    2.1  概述 3

    2.2  通用带式输送机的结构 3

    2.2.1  输送带 4

    2.2.2 驱动装置 5

    2.2.3 托辊 6

    2.2.4 机架 8

    2.2.5 拉紧装置 8

    2.2.6 清扫器 10

    2.2.7 入料和卸料装置 10

    2.3 带式输送机的设计计算选型 11

    2.4 带式输送机选型设计的依据及要求 11

    2.5 零部件设计计算及选择 11

    2.5.1 计算标准、符号和单位 12

    2.5.2 原始数据及工作条件 12

    2.5.3 输送能力和输送带宽度的计算 14

    2.5.4 计算圆周驱动力和传动功率计算 16

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