    毕业论文关键字:自动售货机 PLC 喷液系统
    With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, many public places a vending machine that can meet the needs of people in a timely manner.However, the traditional vending machine is a single chip microcomputer, the system hardware design is complex, anti interference ability is relatively poor, it is difficult to ensure the reliability and stability of the system, maintenance and repair difficulties.
    The PLC control, this paper expounds the background and development prospects of the vending machine, a detailed analysis of its functions and features, and puts forward the overall design scheme, design vending beverage machine mechanism and the spray system and design a PLC automatic control system to complete the automatic control system.
    The design improves the reliability and efficiency of the vending machine, and the system is easy to maintain, easy to maintain, and it has a certain market value.
    Key word: vending machine   PLC   squirt system
     目  录
    第一章 自动售货机的简介    1
    1.1自动售货机的概述    1
    1.2自动售货机的功能分析    1
    1.3自动售货机的前景    2
    第二章 机械结构设计    4
    2.1自动落杯装置    4
    2.1.1外壳设计    4
    2.1.2 hall传感器    5
    2.1.3分杯轮    5
    2.1.4分杯齿环    5
    2.1.5驱动齿轮    6
    2.2自动落杯装置的电机选择    6
    第三章 控制系统设计    8
    3.1 控制要求    8
    3.2控制元件的选型    8
    3.2.1自动售货机的控制元件选择方案:    8
    3.2.2 PLC的工作原理    9
    3.2.3 PLC的发展趋势      10
    3.3电磁阀    10
    3.4光电传感器    12
    3.5自动售货机PLC外部接线    13
    第四章 软件设计    14
    4.1设计要求    14
    4.2主要设计思想    14
    4.3总体流程图    15
    4.4 I/O口地址分配    16
    4.5电气原理图    16
    4.6主程序设计    17
    结 束 语    23
    致  谢    24
    参考文献    25
    第一章 自动售货机的简介
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