    ABSTRACT With the continuous development of computer, electronics, sensors, intelligent technology, the development of a variety of robots has been greatly improved, the current civil, military, scientific research and other aspects of a wide range of applications. Tracked mobile robot as research in the field of a branch, not only the crossing obstacle ability outstanding, but also on the ground to ability, high thrust, system is stable and reliable characteristics, has been one of the focuses of the research at home and abroad.
       According to design requirements, the use of the robot crawler form the mechanical structure, compact volume. Robot uses a symmetrical structure, both sides were using separate DC geared motor drive the track alone. This paper introduces the robot key components: a driven wheel, driving wheel, and analyzes its movement stability.
       Smart Car Robot integrated platform control system uses a modular master-slave distributed architecture, the master chip after receiving the signal transmitted by the host computer to judge, to control the chip from the distribution of tasks in accordance with instructions. Select STC89C52RC microcontroller as the transmitter-receiver, collecting motor speed, steering angle acquisition, robotic control core chip. Completed by TB6612FNG drive motor, servo drive; motor speed to complete the acquisition by the magnetic encoder; MCU and data communication between the host computer via Bluetooth, which includes control instructions, the motor speed, steering angle data signal.
       Finally, the theoretical analysis of the performance of the robot movement and its climbing, obstacle conducted experiments certification.
    Key words: tracked robot;control system;communicate
    目    录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1车载机器人国内外发展史    1
    1.2车载机器人发展趋势    1
    1.3车载机器人研究背景及意义    2
    第二章 车载机器人总体方案设计    3
    2.1车载机器人移动方式    3
    2.2车载机器人移动要求    3
    2.3车载机器人移动方式选择    3
    第三章 车载机器人机构设计    6
    3.1车载机器人结构设计要求    6
    3.2整体结构设计方案    6
    3.3机构开发环境Solidworks简介    6
    3.4主要零部件设计    6
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