    毕业论文关键词:爬壁机器人 越障 吸盘 清洁
    With the development of society, science and technology is also in the rapid development , in the modern cities, tall buildings were built everywhere, the cleaning of tall buildings has become a major problem.In this paper, we mainly study how to clean the tall buildings with glass and ceramic tile as the main material under the premise of the liberation of human labor,so we designed a robot which set moving, steering and obstacle navigation function,and it can move all directions, the key technologies of wall climbing robot's structure design and control system are studied.
    This paper introduces the background of the wall climbing robot and its development status and application at home and abroad firstly.Through reading a lot of literature and drawing lessons from the existing similar achievements, theory with practice, the scheme of mechanical structure of the robot body is proposed.This paper introduced the overall structure of the high altitude cleaning robot, the selection of its components and scheme. On the basis of this ,the design and calculation of the mechanical structure of the robot. Mainly including calculation and selection of electric motors,the selection of sucker,the selection of cylinder and pump and the role and selection of sensors,etc.
    Analysis shows that the robot can motion in the vertical wall by the suction cups, also has the strong ability of obstacle surmounting, the advantages of large load, it has significant advantages to wash the top wall,also has certain to theoretical significance and use value.
    Key word:wall climb robot  obstacle  suction cups  cleaning
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1背景    1
    1.2国、内外研究现状    1
    1.3主要技术要求    2
    第二章  系统总体设计    4
    2.1机器人吸附方式    4
    2.2机器人移动方式    4
    2.3系统总体方案及选择    5
    第三章  机械结构设计与选型    7
    3.1机械结构设计    7
    3.2电动机及相应驱动器的选择    7
    3.2.1足部吸盘旋转电机的选择    7
    3.2.2腿部电机的选择    9
    3.2.3清洁电机的选择    10
    3.3电磁吸盘的选择    11
    3.4轴的设计    12
    3.5气缸与气泵的选择    12
    3.6传感器的选择    13
    3.7电池的选择    13
    3.8联轴器的选择    14
    第四章  控制系统设计    15
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