    Subway shielding door to safety and energy saving. This paper introduced in detail subway station platform screen door system of mechanical structure and control system, and combined with relevant theoretical basis, formulate the overall design of the system. This paper analyzes the subway shield door through the transmission device of a screw nut pair, to DC motor as a driving source, through the screw nut transmission mechanism on the shielding door body. And analysis the hardware of control system, I / O modules, then gives the input and output allocation table, draw the hardware connection diagram. The screen was obtained by programmable computer controller software development platform and the system motion control scheme The program block diagram of the control system of the door control system and the design of the interface circuit of the controller and the programming of the control software are given. Finally, the normal operation of the subway screen door is realized through the discussion of the various aspects.
    Key words: Metro screen door; transmission device; DC motor; program flow chart;
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    5
    1.1引言    5
    1.2安装屏蔽门系统的必要性    5
    1.2.1国内外地铁站台事故的分析概况    5
    1.2.2节能性分析    5
    1.3国内外地铁车站屏蔽门发展的现状    6
    第二章 地铁屏蔽门的机械结构系统设计    7
    2.1地铁车站屏蔽门系统的类型和选型    7
    2.2屏蔽门的机械结构组成    7
    2.2.1固定门    7
    2.2.2滑动门    7
    2.2.3端门    7
    2.2.4应急门    7
    2.2.5屏蔽门机械结构示意图    8
    2.3屏蔽门门机系统的设计    8
    2.3.1屏蔽门门机系统的工作原理    8
    2.3.2门机系统中的传动方式    8
    2.3.3 滚珠丝杠副的选型和计算    9
    2.3.4 导轨和联轴器的选型    11
    2.3.5 屏蔽门的驱动方式    11
    2.3.6 门机系统中的电机    11
    2.4 电动机的选型和计算    11
    2.4.1 电动机选型的规格    11
    2.4.2 电动机转矩校验    11
    2.4.3 电机功率校验    12
    2.5 门机系统中的锁闭装置    12
    第三章 地铁屏蔽门的控制系统设计    14
    3.1 控制系统     14
    3.1.1 中央控制盘(PSC)    14
    3.1.2 就地控制盘(PSL)    14
    3.1.3 门控单元(DCU)    14
    3.2 屏蔽门系统检测    14
    3.2.1 防夹人的传感器    14
    3.2.2 速度传感器    15
    3.3 控制器的选择    16
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