    Manipulator as a high degree of mechanical and electrical integration products, has a high value, wide range of applications. Industrial manipulator, for example, there are many different uses of the manipulator, such as welding manipulators, handling manipulators, manipulator painting, cutting manipulator, palletizing manipulator, etc., these manipulators are in different areas it occupies an important position.
        this paper mainly aimed at industrial production lines designed a can of the workpiece from one work shift to another station a small manipulator, the manipulator has a vertical lifting, horizontal scaling, rotation level, wrist clamping function, using pneumatic drive by PLC control solenoid off valve must be implemented gripper clamping and relaxation, front and rear telescopic arm rise and fall with these big arm movements. Manipulator with automatic and manual modes, can be converted through the switch.
    Key words: manipulator;mechatronics;PLC;pneumatic drive
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1机械手简介    1
    1.2 机械手的发展    1
        第二章  机械手总体方案    3
    2.1 机械手的组成    3
    2.2机械手机械手的总体方案    3
    2.2.1总体方案拟定    3
    2.2.2机械手主要技术性能指标    3
    2.2.3机械手系统结构框图    4
    第三章  机械结构设计    5
    3.1机械手总体设计    5
    3.2手部结构设计    5
    3.3夹紧气缸计算    7
    3.4小臂与大臂结构计算    8
    3.5大臂与小臂尺寸校核    8
    3.6回转气缸的结构计算    9
    第四章  控制系统设计    11
    4.1控制器的选择    11
    4.1.1 PLC简介    11
    4.1.2 PLC的特点    11
    4.1.3 PLC的硬件系统组成    11
    4.1.4控制器的选择    12
    4.2 传感器的选择    12
    4.2.1 压力传感器的选择    12
    4.2.2 接近开关的选择    12
    4.3 方向控制阀的选择    13
    4.4 气路原理图确定    14
    4.5 I/O分配表与硬件接线图    15
    4.6 气动机械手PLC程序设计    16
    4.6.1 气动机械手控制流程图    16
    4.6.2 气动机械手PLC控制程序设计    18
    结束语    21
    致  谢    22
    参考文献    23
     第一章 绪论
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