    关键词:数控车床转塔刀架;抬起;转位;夹紧;换刀CNC lathe turret head design
    Abstract:CNC lathe is an important part of the lathe tool post system, its structure design directly affect the machining performance and efficiency of the lathe. Under the numerical control machine tool development momentum of rapid, exist widely in manufacturing industry, original equipment numerical control system upgrade and transformation problem situation. As a key accessories, high performance CNC turret head to improve the reliability of overall machine tool operation, stability, and efficiency has important significance. This paper introduces the working principle of CNC lathe turret head, as well as the turret head calculation in the design of transmission system and structural components. Turret head tool change process can be roughly pided into tool post lift, turn head a, head pressure three steps. To satisfy the function of the tool carrier, in the tool post structure design, respectively by the worm gear and worm drive is designed and screw pair of indexing tool, indexing mechanism, terminal gear plate positioning, clamping mechanism, and the hall element transmission device, and completed the control process of tool post, to realize the automatic tool change CNC lathe tool post counter rotating tower process.
    Key words:Numerical control lathe capstan head slide ;Rest up ;transposition ;The clamping ;Tool change
    1开题依据    1
     1.1 选题背景    1
     1.2 本课题意义    1
    2 数控车床的概述    1
     2.1数控车床的发展史    1
     2.2数控车床的工作原理    2
     2.3 数控车床床的主传动和变速方式    2
     2.4 数控车床的组成.2
    3 刀架系统    3
     3.1  刀架系统在数控车床中的作用    3
     3.2  传统刀架系统类型    3
     3.3  数控车床常用的刀具和刀库类型以及刀具选择方式..6
    4 数控车床转塔刀架设计方案的确立.7
     4.1 方案的选择.8
     4.2 方案的确立.9
    5 刀架设计计算9
     5.1 执行机构的组成及原理    9
     5.2 电动机的选择.10
    6 刀架主轴组件设计计算    13
    7 其他零部件的选择    22
    参考文献    27
    1.1 选题背景
        数控车床是机械制造设备中具有高精度、高效率、高自动化和高柔性化等优点的加工机床,应用非常广泛。其中,数控刀架主要是完成零件加工过程中的换刀过程,它能在一次装夹中完成多工序的加工,有效地减少了刀具多次装夹带来的加工误差。目前,机床正朝着在一次装夹中完成多工序的方向发展,因而,机床的刀架装置随之也发生了许多变化,数控机床逐步的多采用转位刀架。随着制造工业的不断发展,对自动刀架的功能及性能要求也越来越高。数控刀架系统本身及相关结构比较复杂,会对整机的成本造价产生直接的影响。因为我国数控车床起步较晚,所以相对外国先进的技术,还是存在一定的差距的 ,这些差距也造成我们机械行业的落后。但是,在国家政策的支持下,大力发展数控机床行业、功能部件行业,给数控转塔刀架行业以及整个机械行业带来了生机和活力。
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