



    毕业论文关键词: 防伪;纸币;点钞机;单片机

    Language Learning

    Abstract:With the rapid development of market economy, money in the present market circulation served as a very important role, counterfeit production level with the technology to improve and improve, more and more rampant.

    I first of banknote anticounterfeiting theory were analyzed separately. Selection of the fluorescence response, safety line, through infrared, magnetic distribution and other security means, of different means of security were comparison and analysis, and select the corresponding sensor. In the use of single chip microcomputer as the premise of the design of the processor design counting machine control system overall, banknote counter, banknote checking function is realized.

    Choose the currency count machine design is to U. S. production of single-chip microcomputer AT89S52 main control chip counting control system. Counting control system uses a variety of methods to identify the counterfeit money, data acquisition system to collect fluorescence, ultraviolet, infrared, magnetic signal and the signal line, import and notes and width etc. auxiliary signal variable amplifying obtained after analysis, after processing, the result is transmitted to the microcontroller. SCM is given by the control signal to drive the control system actuator, achieve the purpose of the banknote counting detection of forgeries.

    KeyWords:Security; bills; currency-counting machine;s ingle chip microcomputer.

    目 录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.1.1  人民币流通的需求1

    1.1.2  人民币防伪的需求1

    1.2  人民币识别机器分类 2

    1.3  机器基本识别手段 4

    1.4  研究内容与设计特点 5

    2  点钞机的基本原理 6

    2.1  人民币介绍 6

    2.1.1  人民币发行史6

    2.1.2  第五套人民币防伪特征8

    2.2  检测防伪技术 9

    2.2.1  荧光检测9

    2.2.2  磁性检测11

    2.2.3  红外穿透检测12

    2.3  辅助信号检测原理 14

    2.3.1  纸币宽度检测原理14

    2.3.2  进钞、接钞检测原理15

    2.4  本章小结 16

    3  点钞机总体结构的设计与选择 17

    3.1  机械结构介绍 17

    3.2  点钞机结构系统设计 18

    3.2.1  结构选择18

    3.2.2  传送方式的选择及传送比19

    3.2.3  主要传动轴转速及转轮线速度的计算19

    3.2.4  捻钞轮转动惯量的计算与实验验证21

    3.2.5  钞票运行间隔运算21

    3.3  点钞机材料的选择 23

    3.3.1  外壳材料的选择23

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