

    关键字  结构件 冲压模具设计 钣金件 UG dynaform


    Title Stamping die design and forming simulation of the Power box base


    The sheet metal parts is widely used in stamping die, this topic researches on designing a stamping die for the Power box base. First design the method of processing automobile structural components,using the DYNAFORM software to simulate and analyze the molding process, accurate prediction the forming process,Thickness variation, strain and metal flow of sheet metal, so as to provide the best plan for die design.using the UG software to design the punch and die, positioning device,discharge device and fixed structure, completed the design of the die structure.according to automobile structure shape,size, precision, process requirements and The design parameters from DYNAFORM software for sheet metal analysis, in accordance with the relevant design process,finish all the design of the Power box base stamping die. Finally draw overall plans and the engineering drawings.

    Keywords  Structural parts  Stamping die design  Sheet metal parts   UG  dynaform

     目 次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  钣金加工与模具设计 1

    1.1.1  钣金件与冲压加工 1

    1.1.2  冲压模具 1

    1.1.3  冲压模具的分类 2

    1.2  论文的选题背景和意义 2

    1.3  论文的主要研究内容 3

    1.4  拟采用的研究手段(途径) 3

    2  工艺方案的确定 4

    2.1  零件分析 4

    2.2  工艺方案的确定 4

    2.3  工序图尺寸分析 4

    2.4  排样和材料利用率的计算 5

    3  基于Dynaform的板料成形有限元仿真 6

    3.1  创建几何模型 6

    3.2  导入模型及网格划分 6

    3.3  反求坯料模型及排样 8

    3.4  定义成形工具及工艺参数 9

    3.5  二次弯曲 10

    3.6  三次弯曲 11

    3.7  基于Dynaform的成形模拟的后处理 12

    4  冲压模具设计 16

    4. 1  毛坯尺寸的计算 16

    4.2  落料力的计算

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