


    关键词  物料输送  结构  高效  准确  模拟仿真  改良


    Title  Improved design of a material conveying mechanism


    Material transport is a modern faster development of the industry,. In heavy industrial traffic department of transportation main transport of bulk grain materials; in the modern enterprise production, transport is production process is composed by the rhythm of the assembly line are an integral part of the equipment, and many other fields, conveyor plays a pivotal role. Visible, in the rapid development of economy, a rational and efficient transportation organization is necessary choice for all industries. Early conveying mechanism has the advantages of simple structure, low efficiency, security is not high reliability is very low, the complex structure of modern transport mechanism, also taking into account the material strength and stiffness, surface roughness problem and , safety and efficiency is very high. Furthermore, transporting different kinds of institutions also many, different agencies complete different jobs in when choosing a conveying mechanism is more reasonable, institutions should meet the requirements of what, this is mechanism design of a important tasks.

    This paper mainly introduces a conveying mechanism of a material is transported and falling. Because the material is dense, the drop area to fixed and accurate, so the requirements of conveying mechanism is very exquisite. Main operation is through the structure given construct 3D model, in several simulation, the simulation process and discover material handling problems in the process and mechanism of modified design. At the end of this paper to improve institutions do a summary, and makes a prospect of the future development and research.

    Keyword  Material transportation  structure  Efficient  accuracy  Simulation   improvement

    目 录

      1 绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  课题背景与意义 1

    1.2.1  各类输送设备的结构及特点 2

    1.3  市场前景的展望 4

    1.4  本章小结 4

    2  概要与理论基础 5

      2.1  引言

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