


    The Design Of The Low Variable Gas Water Cooler

    Abstract:Low variable gas water cooler is one kind of heat exchanger equipment. In the process of  industrial production, all the devices which are used to realize the hot and cold fluid heater exchange will be called the heat exchanger. This paper design a floating head heat exchanger. The structure of heat exchanger is designed mainly refers to the standard of GB191.The heat exchanger tubes of this design are arranged in a equilateral triangle way. Only this way , can we put more tubes on the same tube sheet. What’s more, the heat modulus of the tube’s outer surface are higher than the same tube sheet. However, due to this head heat exchanger is designed as the double tube, it needs to be arranged in rectangle way on both sides of the pass partition .Finally ,this water cooler will be detected if it can meet the need of heater exchanger medium.

    Key Words:Low variable gas; The calculation of strength ; Floating head heat exchanger




    1  绪 论 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.2课题研究的意义 1

        1.3国内外课题研究的进展与成果 2

        1.4 设计目的 3

    2  方案的确定 4

    2.1设计方案 4

    2.1.1 方案要点 4

    2.1.2 方案要求 4

    2.2 确定物性参数 4

    2.3  换热器结构选择 4

    3 低变气水冷器工艺计算 5

    3.1物性参数 6

    3.2 热量衡算 6

    3.2.1  热流量 6

            3.2.2  平均传热温差..........7

        3.2.3  管程,壳程对流传热系数 7

        3.2.4  总传热系数 8

    3.2.5  计算传热面积 9

    3.2.6  管程数和传热管数 9

    3.2.7  壳程数 10

    3.2.8  传热管排列 10

    3.2.9  壳体内径 10

        3.2.10 折流板 11

    3.2.11 接管 11

        3.3 换热器核算 12

     4 低变气水冷器整体结构设计 16

        4.1 工艺计算结果 16

        4.2 换热管

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