

    毕业论文关键词: 服务机器人;行走机构;传感器;餐饮机器人;麦克纳姆轮;

     Design of walking mechanism for service robot

    Abstract: This design is about the design of the service robot walking mechanism. The main part is the design and installation position of the Mecanum wheel. Design of walking mechanism mainly includes the sensor type, and the choice of Mecanum wheel mounting accessories and shaft installation. Design and installation position of the Mecanum wheel can be used normally and meet the requirement of stress based on the. The design requirements can meet the requirements of performance and parameters in the task book in the course of operation. The service robot wants to move freely, it needs the corresponding autonomous mobile technology and its mechanism. Perhaps due to their different need other assistive technology, but as mobile modules, there are some common problems, such as how to enable autonomous mobile direction control and drive action and position sensing to standardization, the robot in the movement. In the process of real-time processing, the whole mechanism of integrated communication how to deal with such. And this is designed to meet the needs of school teaching and curriculum  

    development, design a service robot walking mechanism, so that students in learning knowledge, hands-on ability, innovative design ability and improve.

    Key Words: Service robot; walking mechanism; sensor; catering robot; Mecanum wheel;

    目 录

    1序言 2

     1.1 前言 ...2


     1.2.1 服务机器人行走机构的组成.4

     1.2.2 机器人行走机构设计的目的.4

     1.3 服务机器人行走机构的主要性能参数...5

     1.3.1 传感器的选择5

     1.4 行走机构的原始条件.5

     1.5 设计的研究范围....5

    2 设计内容及设计步骤 ..6

    2.1 驱动轮的选择与计算6

    2.2 电机的选择与计算....9

    2.3 传感器的选择与计算...12

    2.4 轴承的选择与计算..14

    2.5 联轴器的选择与计算...14

    2.6 卡簧的选择....17

    2.7 轴的设计与计算.17

    2.8 键的选择...19

    2.9 锁紧螺帽的选择.21

    2.10 底座的设计..21

    2.11 支持架的设计...22

    2.12 连接件的选择...23

    2.13 端盖的设计..23

    3 校核计算.23

    3.1 轴强度的校核计算..25

    3.2 轴的扭转校核计算..26

    3.3 键的校核计算27

    4 总成设计.28

    4.1 控制方式...28

    4.2 尺寸确定...28

    4.3 机械结构的设计与总成装配.30

    5 结论....32

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