





    关键词  浮动平台 随机海浪 运动响应 控制原理


    Title    Reaserch for Disturbed Motion Characteristics and Attitude Stabilization Control Technology of Small floating Platform


    Detection equipment working on the surface of the sea is affected by the marine environment, such as wind, wave, tide,it will take the sway motions .We need to isolated its disturbance so that the detection equipment can work normally. Therefore, the research on the related technology of floating platform has important significance.

    First of all, the overall structure of the floating platform is introduced, and the structure and working principle of the stabilized platform are introduced in detail, at the same time,the simulation model of the platform is built.

    Secendly, Make the wave as the main disturbance source of the platform,and the mathematical model of random ocean wave is established based on the P-M spectrum, and the theory of random ocean waves. Using MATLAB to simulate the model,and spectrum analysis is conducted to verify the correctness of the simulation results.

    Thirdly,the research for platform motion under random wave disturbance is carried out,using multibody hydrodynamic simulation software AQWA to obtain the movement of platform in a certain sea state,roll,pitch motions are mainly concerned.Then change the structural parameters of the platform,such as the bladder size,the position of the center of gravity,through comparison of these results, we can find the best combination of the parameters, provide the basis for the prototype test of the platform.

    Finally, the attitude control system of platform is introduced,as well as the corresponding working principle and related hardware.Then control circuit is preliminary designed.

    Keywords  Floating Platform, Random ocean wave, Motion response, Control system   

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1 课题研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  浮动平台相关技术概述 2

    1.2.1  浮动平台动力学研究进展 2

    1.2.2  海浪仿真的建模方法研究进展 2

    1.2.3  稳定平台的发展现状 3

    1.3  论文主要研究内容 4

    2. 平台的整体结构与模型建立 5


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