    摘要:本文阐述的是列管式固定管板换热器的设计计算。该换热器有传热效果好,结构紧固,操作弹性大等优点,但其最大的缺点是传热效率较低。本文使用的方案是半水煤气走壳程,变换气走管程,采用单壳程单管程的换热器。设计部分进行了热力计算,以及结构的设计校核。通过工艺计算,物料衡算,得到定性温度,流体流速,传热系数等参数,从而确定换热器壳体内径,换热管的基本规格等。然后讲述了换热器结构设计,对筒体,管箱,封头,换热管,管板等换热器的主要结构进行了材料选择,壁厚计算等的设计计算,还进行了包括折流板、防冲板,导流筒,接管和开孔补强等其他零部件的选取计算。选择的支座是裙座并计算了其基本尺寸。 本文对该换热器进行了水压试验校核以及对支座进行了承重载荷的校核。24567
    Design of Semi-water gas-Converter gas Heat Exchanger
    Abstract:This paper introduces the design and calculation of shell and tube heat exchanger. This kind of heat exchanger has many advantages such as good heat transfer effects, fastening structures, flexible operations and so on. But its biggest drawback is the heat transfer efficiency is very low. As used herein, it is a single shell and tube pass heat exchanger with Semi-water gas goes through the shell pass. The design calculation can be pided into two parts, processes and structures. Through process calculation, we can get qualitative temperature, flow rate, heat transfer coefficient and the other parameters to determine size of the shell and the specifications of the tube. Then it tells the structure design of the heat exchanger, choosing the material and calculating the main structure such as shell, head, exchanger tubes as well as other shell-tube accessories like nozzles, baffled, impingement baffle, guide shell, skirt and so on. Finally, the hydraulic test is used to check the structure can meet requirements or not.
    KeyWords:tubular heat exchanger;process calculation;structure design;check
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  概述    1
    1.2  研究换热器的意义    1
    1.3  国内外换热器的发展与研究成果    1
    1.4  管程结构发展    2
    1.4.1  螺纹传热管    2
    1.4.2  波纹传热管    3
    1.4.3  三文内肋管    3
    1.5  支撑结构的发展    3
    1.5.1  多弓形折流板    3
    1.5.2  折流杆支撑    4
    1.5.3  管式自支撑    4
    1.6  列管换热器的分类    4
    1.6.1  固定管板式列管换热器    4
    1.6.2  浮头式列管换热器    5
    1.6.3  U型管列管换热器    5
    1.7  课题研究的内容    5
    1.8  创新点及难点分析    6
    2  换热器热力计算    7
    2.1  物性参数计算    7
    2.2  热力计算    11
    2.2.1  确定物性数据    12
    2.2.2  热量衡算    12
    2.2.3  流动空间及流速的测定    13
    2.2.4  计算总传热系数    13
    2.2.5  换热器核算    16
    2.2.6  阻力计算    18
    3  换热器结构设计校核    20
    3.1  材料的选择    20
    3.2  筒体的设计    20
    3.2.1  筒体壁厚的计算    20
    3.2.2  水压试验    21
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