    摘要:级进模在当前工业社会下生产效率比较高,同时生产周期比较短,所需要的操作人员少,特别合适大批量的生产。同时,随着当前模具设计环境下CAD/CAE/CAM技术的运用,优化了模具结构,促进了规范化、典型化、系列化、标准化的制造模具技术的形成。使用NX Progressive Die Wizard对汽车零件进行级进模设计就是对运用CAD/CAE/CAM技术的最好诠释。本设计是一个带有弯曲冲裁的多工位级进模,所需要求有设计零件的长度尺寸、材料、批量成产等,首先对龄鉴定工艺性进行分析,需要确定冲裁工艺和模具结构方案,然后在确定排样时要用到工艺设计技术,计算冲压力和压力中心等数据,初选压力机,对压力机进行校核,此次设计还包括凹凸模设计、模架设计、导正装置等,一些零件图二文图纸在最后生成。41382
    毕业论文关键词: 多工位级进模;工艺性分析;数据计算;NX软件
    Auto parts progressive die design based on NX PDW
    Abstract: Progressive die has high production efficiency, short production cycle, using few operating staff, very suitable for mass production. At the same time, along with the mold design and application of CAD/CAE/CAM technology, the pushing out of the mould structure to optimize, promote the formation of a standardization, serialization, standardization of die mold manufacture technology. Use the NX Progressive Die Wizard on auto parts for progressive die design is on the CAD/CAE/CAM technology's application in interpretation. This paper designs a bent and punched multi-position progressive die. According to the measurement, material and requirements of batch production of the indispensable components, manufacturability of the components is carefully analyzed in the first place to determine the structure of the dies and how to punch them. Afterwards, process design method was employed to decide layout and calculate data such as stamping pressure and pressure center. Chose the pressing machines and check the machine. This design also includes the die design, mold design and guide device, the last generation of parts are two dimensional engineering drawings.
    Key words: Multi-station progressive die; Manufacturability analysis; Data calculation; NX software
    目  录
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  多工位级进模简单介绍和其特点1
    1.2  多工位级进模的国内现状和发展趋势2
    1.3  毕业设计的目的2
    2  产品结构及成形分析 4
    2.1  零件的工艺性分析4
    2.2  材料成形性能分析5
    2.3  利用CAE对零件进行分析5
    2.4  工艺方案的确定6
    3  主要工艺参数的计算 8
    3.1  毛坯展开尺寸8
    3.2  确定排样方案8
    3.2.1  排样 8
    3.2.2  步距、料宽的确定 10
    3.2.3  冲裁间隙的计算 10
    3.2.4  材料利用率的确定 11
    4  模具工艺计算 12
    4.1  冲裁力12
    4.2  卸料力、推件力和顶件力13
    4.3  压力中心的确定14
    4.4  弯曲力15
    4.5  冲压设备的选择15
    5  模具零部件的计算 16
    5.1  冲孔凸凹模的设计16
    5.1.1  凸模设计 16
    5.1.2  凸模的强度验算 17
    5.2  冲裁异性凸凹模的设计18
    5.3  成型凸凹模设计20
    5.4  弯曲凸凹模的设计20
    5.5  导正机构的设计21
    5.6  托料装置的的设计22
    5.7  卸料装置的设计23
    5.8  导柱和导套的设计23
    5.9  限位装置的设计24
    5.10  模架的设计24
    5.11  弹性元件的选择26
    6  多工位级进模的装配 27
    6.11  模具零件的固定27
    6.12  部件装配27
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