     Feed speed of test design tool three to the influence of vibration characteristics in time domain
    【Abstract】With the development of science and technology,the social demand of the workpiece is gradually increased,but the production of the workpiece is often accompanied by turning vibration. This vibration is due to the relative motion of the tool and workpiece and production, affecting the machining process, is a kind of very harmful phenomenon. Turning vibration, affects the surface quality of the products. The workpiece surface will appear vibration lines, decrease surface lubrication. The tool in strong vibration, can easily lead to tipping problem. These problems lead to vibration, seriously affecting the high precision of workpiece surface. At the same time, vibration will affect the lathe and cutter using time. This is because the vibration is greatly improved and the friction of lathe tool, serious damage to the surface quality of lathe and cutter. In addition to these problems, vibration will affect people's physical and mental health. In the process of the workpiece machining, vibration noise, noise pollution, constantly does not affects the staff around, not only reduce the their enthusiasm for work, but also endanger their health. Therefore, to solve the problem of vibration is an important task of today's people.This paper describes the turning process, study the influence of feeding speed on the vibration of the tool. This experiment used CJK6136_MATE_360 * 570 horizontal lathe, three acceleration sensors, data acquisition instrument and Beijing pop with Vib 'SYS vibration signal processing and analysis software of computer. The equivalent extreme value, mean value, root mean square value of test results of the vibration signal, and to analyze the time domain
    【Keywords】Feed speed;Turning vibration;Time domain features;Experimental study
    摘要    1
    1 绪论    2
    1.1 课题研究意义    2
    1.2 车削振动的研究现状    2
    1.3 课题研究内容    4
    1.4 研究方法和技术路线    5
    2 机械振动测量理论基础    7
    2.1 机械振动基本原理    7
    2.2 振动问题的分类及研究途径    7
    2.3 振动测量传感器    9
    2.4 机械振动测试技术    12
    2.5 机械振动的测量方法和测量内容    13
    3 车削振动信号时域分析方法    15
    3.1 振动信号    15
    3.2 时域分析    18
    3.3 数据采集    20
    4 车削振动实验以及数据处理分析    24
    4.1试验仪器    24
    4.2实验目的    25
    4.3试验方案    25
    4.4试验步骤    27
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