    中文摘要SUV 后桥减速器位于传动系的末端,为了保证 SUV 汽车的优越性能,后桥减速器必须能承受在恶劣环境下高强度的工作。其中,减速器外壳有着保护内部零件的作用,同时还要与桥壳进行定位联接,因此对它的设计制造提出了很高的要求。本次设计包括以下内容: 减速器壳体上孔的镗加工工序分析,镗加工定位基准、定位元件的选择,夹具的夹紧装置设计和夹紧力及切削力的计算,减速器壳体和镗夹具的三文造型设计,以及夹具和减速器壳体的工程图生成。6468
    关键词: SUV   减速器壳   夹具设计   三文造型
    Title    The Three  Dimensional  Modeling  Design  of the SUV         
    Rear    Axle   Reducing  Gear  Shell  Boring  Jig   Abstract
    The topic of this paper is the design of the  boring jig used to processing
    the rear axle reducer shell of SUV automobiles. The reducer is located
    at the terminal of the power transmission of the car. To ensure quality
    performance of the car, the  rear axle reducer  must be able to  work in high
    intensity  under adverse circumstances.  Among all the components of a rear
    axle reducer, the reducer shell is particularly challenging to design and
    manufacture  due to  its crucial functions of protecting the internal
    components of the reducer and forming connections with the axle housing.
    This project entails analyzing the reducer shell hole boring process,
    locating the boring process using the primary datum, choosing setting
    elements, designing the jig clamp, calculating the clamping force of the
    jig clamp,  calculating  the  cutting force  of the boring  process, 3D modeling
    of the reducer shell and boring jig, and producing the engineering drawings
    of the reducer shell and the clamping jig.
    Keywords: SUV  shell of Reduction Gear  Jig  Three Dimensional Modeling
    1 引言 .  1
    1.1 研究的背景及意义 .  1
    1.2 减速器壳体加工的国内外研究现状 .  1
    1.3 三文造型技术在镗夹具设计中的应用 .  2
    2 减速器壳镗夹具的总体设计 .  4
    2.1 夹具设计的总体要求及步骤 .  4
    2.2 拟定减速器孔镗加工工序内容 .  5
    2.3 镗夹具定位元件的设计 .  8
    2.4 夹具体的设计   11
    2.5 镗夹具夹紧装置的设计   14
    3 镗夹具及减速器壳的三文造型设计   20
    3.1 镗夹具的三文造型   20
    3.2 减速器壳的三文造型   26
    3.3 镗夹具和减速器壳体的装配过程   28
    4 镗夹具及减速器壳的工程图   31
    4.1 减速器壳的工程图   31
    4.2 镗夹具的工程图及装配图   35
    致谢 „„„„„„„„„„44
    参考文献 „45                                                                                
    1 引言
    1.1 研究的背景及意义
    SUV 汽车于2003 年发源美国,全称是 Sport Utility Vehicle,中文意思是运动
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