    Optimization design of solder ball grid array components
        With the rapid development of microelectronics and efficient, BGA electronic packaging technology has gradually replaced the past of the old, inefficient packaging technology, has become one of the most commonly used integrated circuit now, is the most advanced packaging technology.The reliability study of the solder joints has become the key to resolving the problem of BGA electronic packaging technology life, this paper from the perspective of ball grid array element size of solder joints, in-depth study of the impact of changing the life of solder joint size or material on the solder joint.At the same time, using the now widely used for finite element simulation of the ANSYS software, the computer simulation of ball grid array 1/4 model, then compare from various situations, choose the best combination, to complete the optimization design of solder ball grid array components.
    To use the ANSYS software for finite element analysis of the model, so it can be proficient in operating ANSYS software is the premise of the design.Secondly, to predict the life of solder joints, this paper will combine the two kinds of typical constitutive equation to construct new equation.Finally, through the curve fitting algorithm, we can get the optimal design results.
    Keywords: BGA package; the size of solder joints; finite element simulation; optimization design
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1课题综述    1
    1.1.1三级微电子封装    1
    1.1.2 BGA电子封装    2
    1.1.3 微电子封装无铅化    3
    1.2研究意义    4
    1.3国内外的发展现状    4
    1.4 BGA封装的可靠性研究    5
    1.5 本章小结    5
    第二章 ANSYS有限元分析技术    6
    2.1有限元法的基本思想    6
     2.2球栅阵列焊点尺寸封装模型    6
    2.2.1单个焊点的有限元模型    7
    2.2.2 1/4模型    9
    2.3材料参数的选择    9
    2.4单元类型的选择    9
    2.5划分网格    10
    2.6加载边界条件    11
    2.7本章小结    11
    第三章 模拟运算与结果分析    12
    3.1热循环加载条件    12
    3.2 Anand本构方程    12
    3.3非线性数值计算方法    13
    3.4模型假设    14
    3.5模拟结果分析    14
    3.6本章小结    18
    第四章 焊点尺寸的优化设计    19
    4.1分析对象及尺寸优化方案    19
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