    Abstract Now advocate the use of clean energy in our country, after the processing of raw materials in social production has become a big trend, while the coal is one of the main energy of our country's social production. Addition of coal forming machine began to prevail.
    The design of the industrial coal machine main parts type roller, reducer, V belt wheel, etc
    Type roller design mainly according to the production and the type of coal after forming the shape of the regular arrangement on the plate, and then install on the type of the roller core, which can improve the production efficiency, also conducive to replace components.
    Reducer design need into synchronous gear speed reducer, this is due to the type of roller, the operation must be the same speed reverse, so reducer need to synchronous speed reducer. In addition reducer need to uniform speed, relatively accurate differential type are passed to the roller, so we need to adopt the rigid coupling.
    We usually choose gb V pulleys. Need is a type selection design
    In addition our feeding device in accordance with the design requirements is weight of feeding device, only need to consider whether feeding device can bear the weight of raw coal material, need to consider the reinforcement design.
    In addition frame adopts bolt reinforcement, cast all stents in two. To ensure the overall stiffness.
    Key words: coal, forming machine, synchronous gear reducer, V belt wheel
    目       录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    1 概述    1
    1.1 对辊成型机的工作原理    1
    1.2 影响型煤成型的因素    2
    1.3高压对辊成型机的设计及新的进展    3
    1.3.1 压辊    3
    1.3.2 承压装置    4
    1.3.3减速机轮系    4
    1.3.4润滑    5
    2 对辊成型机总体方案设计    6
    2.1机械传动方案的设计    6
    2.1.1 概述    6
    2.1.2确定机械系统的传动方案    6
    2.2 型辊设计    7
    2.2.1设计参数    7
    2.2.2辊子尺寸参数的确定    8
    2.2.3工作压力的计算    8
    2.2.4辊子的驱动力矩的计算    9
    2.2.5主电机功率计算    9
    3 V带和V带轮设计    10
    3.1 传动比分配    10
    3.2 V带、带轮设计    10
    4 同步减速机齿轮设计    14
    4.1减速机设计初始数据    14
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