     The New Mechanical Structural Design Of Stiffness Testing Instrument for Sheet Metal
    [Abstract]:In the rapid development of science and technology today, the car covered stiffness requirements more and more high, the stiffness becomes an important index to measure the quality of automobile. Today's production efficiency requires that we measure the rigidity widely used in the actual production site.Therefore, the development of a kind of automobile covering parts of sheet metal parts can be realized for on-site stiffness testing instrument has very important significance.
        In this paper, has a set of precision measurement and control system based on, the main work is the mechanical structure design of stiffness tester. Compared with the conventional stiffness tester, the design after getting rid of the traditional instrument of heavy flu and managed to stay and the measurement accuracy is high and wide measurement range and other advantages. The instrument consists of two parts: chassis parts (mainly comprises a beam column) and loading part, mainly including the loading box and a swing box. After the column is passed through the electromagnetic iron, the beam can be adsorbed on the workbench, and the cross member can move along the column through the ball screw.. The load section is also moved along the cross member by the ball screw.. The swing box is used to realize the swing of the loaded box.. The load of the box is driven by the stepping motor through the gear drive and the ball screw and the rod to achieve the load.
        This design has the following advantages: (1) with a convex surface on a variety of sheet-type parts do rigidity test, for any point you can adjust the direction of the probe, thus completing the normal load is applied to the measured point, as accurate get the stiffness of the part; (2) the instrument uses modular structure, light weight, easy to carry tester, transport and on-site installation, while maintaining high measurement accuracy.
    [Keywords]:stiffness testing; stiffness tester; thin plate parts
    摘要    I
    Abstract.    II
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 刚度的相关知识    1
    1.2.1 刚度的概念    1
    1.2.2 刚度的表示方式    1
    1.2.3 影响刚度的因素    3
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