        课题对登高作业车伸缩臂进行了有限元分析。采用PRO/E建立了伸缩臂的实体模型,并导入ANSYS软件中,选择实体单元;作业臂所选用材料为Q700,它的弹性模量 E = 2.35  Pa , 泊松比 L= 0.31, 密度Q = 7.85kg/ ;在实体模型的网格进行划分时,在整体模型结构上定义材料特性,然后统一对其进行网格划分;在伸缩臂变幅油缸与作业臂的销连接处施加约束,在作业臂的最前端施加载荷。分析结果表明,作业臂的最大应力为2.8261  pa,应力最大的区域为第一节伸缩臂的根部,经过比较,最大应力小于材料的许用用力,能够满足要求。它的最大变形量为0.22米,变形量很小,也能够满足要求。
    Abstract With the rapid development of China's economy, more extensive use of aerial work truck, demand is more and more big, the safety and economy is also getting higher and higher. Climbing car can promote the development of social economy, in the construction, landscape construction has been widely used. This topic to 50 meters of aerial work truck as the object of study by modern design method, finite element method, important parts of aerial work truck telescopic boom structure design and finite element analysis, in order to improve the reliability and economy of the structure.
    This paper first analyzes the working condition of the aerial work truck and stress characteristics to determine the material used in the climbing operation car overall structure parameters and operating arm; design the operating arm of the main part and the geometric size; through the operating arm force analysis to determine the operating arm sectional dimensions, and the strength and rigidity check.
    The subject of the finite element analysis of telescopic arm climbing car. A telescopic arm of the solid model is established by Pro / E, and imported into ANSYS software, select the entity unit; operating arm selected materials for Q700, its elastic modulus E = 2.35  Pa and Poisson's ratio of L = 0.31, density q = 7.85kg/ ; in the solid model of the grid were pided. In the whole model structure defined material properties, and carries on the grid pision; in telescopic boom luffing cylinder and the operating arm pin connected applying constrained, in the forefront of the operating arm of the applied load. Analysis results show that the operating arm of the maximum stress for 2.8261  pa should the regions of maximum force as the root of the first section telescopic boom. After comparison, the maximum stress is less than the material of Allowable stress to meet the requirements. Its maximum deformation amount is 0.22 meters, the deformation amount is small, it can also meet the requirements.
    On the basis of structure design and the finite element static analysis, the type of high-altitude working vehicle related assembly drawing and the main parts of the map drawing.
    Keywords: aerial vehicle; telescopic boom; finite element; optimal design
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