    ABSTRACT The shock absorber,an important component of car suspension system, uses the damping force of internal components to attenuate the shock and vibration caused by the motion of the vehicle, to improve the ability to keep comfortable and stable . Based on the analysis of the structure and properties of the existing car shock absorber, a design scheme for double cylinder shock absorber applied to general city road condition in China is proposed. Firstly, according to the working principle of the hydraulic shock absorber, the author analyze the structure of the shock absorber, and pide it into shell assembly, guide components, piston and piston rod components, valve components four parts; Secondly, the respective design, calculation and determination of the parameters such as component size of the above four main parts are carried on refer to car related parameters and shock absorber design method; Finally, on the basis of the above, the part drawing and assembly drawing are drown using the CAD software, and analyze manufacturing process of parts and assembly process, and determine the drawings can be applied to practical production.
    KEY WORD: Double cylinder shock absorber, Structure design, CAD engineering drawing.
    1 绪论1
    1.1 题目来源及涉及意义 1
    1.2 减振器的发展历程和现状 2
    1.2.1 减振器发展历程2
    1.3.1 减振器国内外研究现状2
    1.3 主要设计内容 2
    2 液压减振器概述4
    2.1 液压减振器概述 4
    2.2 液压减振器的结构 4
    2.3 液压减振器的工作原理 5
    2.4 本章小结 7
    3 壳体总成设计计算8
    3.1 减振器阻尼系数的确定 8
    3.1.1 减振器示功图 8
    3.1.2 减振器相对阻尼系数的确定9
    3.1.3 减振器阻尼系数的确定10
    3.2 最大载荷力的确定 11
    3.3 工作缸筒的设计 11
    3.3.1 缸筒直径设计11
    3.3.2 缸筒壁厚设计和校核 12
    3.3.3 缸盖厚度计算 13
    3.4 油封的设计选择13
    3.5 缸筒的安装14
    3.5.1 液压缸的安装 14
    3.5.2 减振器的安装 14
    3.6 本章小结14
    4 活塞组件与导向器组件设计 15
    4.1 活塞的设计15
    4.1.1 活塞行程的选择 15
    4.1.2 活塞设计 16
    4.1.3 活塞环的选择 16

    4.2 活塞杆设计计算16
    4.2.1 活塞杆设计 16
    4.2.2 活塞杆校核 16
    4.3 活塞组件的连接17
    4.4 导向器组件设计18
    4.5 减振器油的选择18
    4.5 本章小结18
    5 阀体组件设计 19
    5.1 各阀体结构19
    5.1.1 伸张阀和流通阀的结构 19
    5.1.2 压缩阀和补偿阀的结构20
    5.2 各阀体的设计20
    5.2.1 阀体开启程度对减振器阻尼特性的影响 20
    5.2.2 减振器阻尼特性曲线的确定 21
    5.2.3 阀体各参数的计算 22
    5.2.4 阀体材料和尺寸选择 25
    5.3 压力阀弹簧设计25
    5.4 油孔的设计25
    5.5 本章小结26
    6 总结和展望 27
    参考文献 28
     第一章 绪论
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