    This design is for intermediate frequency slag ladle stamping die design, through the analysis of the workpiece, found a blanking, drawing, punching the three basic processes, need to design a progressive die for the production. For design of mould design simple, the use of our knowledge, we can be the knowledge in a system of learning and mastering, achieve knowledge.
    First, make a comprehensive study of compressor. The content of the research are: analysis of the structure, achieved accuracy, such as the arrangement of the process is reasonable. More appropriate way of layout design, can reduce the cost of effect; And die design of the whole process calculation and analysis, choose the reasonable scheme. Process analysis and calculationincludes the selection and reasonable process scheme of arrangement, to calculate the impactpressure using the mold according to the material, so as to choose the right machine.Selection and calculation of cutting edge, and is the clearance between punch and die cangreatly improve the service life of die; and only precision blade ensures precision parts, we can guarantee.
    Finally, according to our calculate convex concave die cutting edge dimension data and structure in the process of mold design, choose the right standard parts, as far as possible to achieve the standardization, so as to complete assembly drawing and main parts design. Finally in the determination and highly dies, choosing the appropriate standard mould frame, press check, so as to meet the needs of actual production.
    Key words:progressive die, stamping process, mold design .
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    ABSTRACT    2
    1 前言    1
    2 冲压件工艺分析    2
    2.1 材料分析    2
    2.2 零件结构    2
    2.3 尺寸精度    3
    2.4 毛坯尺寸展开    3
    3 冲裁方案的确定    5
    4 模具总体结构的确定    6
    4.1  模具类型的选择    6
    4.2  送料方式的选择    6
    4.3  定位方式的选择    6
    4.4  卸料、出件方式的选择    6
    4.5 导向方式的选择    6
    5 工艺参数计算    8
    5.1 排样方式的选择    8
    5.1.1 排样及搭边值的计算    8
    5.1.2 步距的计算    8
    5.1.3 条料宽度的确定    8
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