    本文首先采用SolidWorks软件建立离心泵的三文实体模型,为了方便分析,在离心泵三文实体模型的基础上,将离心泵的进口流域、叶轮流域、蜗壳流域分别进行三文实体建模;然后利用ANSYS ICEM CFD 14.0分别对这三个流域进行网格划分,并设定边界,合并网格;其次,采用软件FLUENT14.0对103型耐腐蚀离心泵进行内部的流场数值模拟,得到不同工况下离心泵内部流场的不同时刻的速度分布和压力分布,分析离心泵的内部流场流动规律,并进行性能预测;将通过PIV实验得到的离心泵速度场与模拟值进行比较,验证该方法模拟离心泵内部流场流动的正确性及可行性。在这个基础上对离心泵进行结构改进,然后进行比较分析。
    The experimental analysis and theoretical simulation  for the flow field of the Centrifugal pump
    Abstract:Centrifugal pump is a kind of wide application of general machinery,but a common problem is the low efficiency. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, it is very important to numerically simulate and understand the change of the internal flow field in the internal flow field of centrifugal pump by CFD technology. To improve the structure of centrifugal pump and provide its efficiency also have very important significance.
    At first, the paper set up  3d entity model of centrifugal pump based on the solidworks, In order to facilitate analysis, the paper set up separately 3d entity models of centrifugal pump import basin, impeller basin and volute basin on this basis. Then  mesh the three basin, and set the boundary, merge the gridby using ANSYS ICEM CFD 14.0. Secondly, the numerical simulation of 103 type corrosion-resistan centrifugal pump for the internal flow field by using the software of FLUENT14.0 can get the centrifugal pump internal flow field of velocity distribution and pressure distribution of the different working conditions and time. through this, we can analyze the law of the internal flow field in centrifugal pump and predict performance. Through the comparison between the velocity field of centrifugal pump that geting by PIV experiment and value of the simulation, validating the correctness and feasibility of the method simulation of internal flow field in centrifugal pump.Based on it, we improve the structure of centrifugal pump, and then compare and analysis.
    Keywords:Centrifugal pump; 3D modeling; theoretical simulation; PIV experiment
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1 计算流体力学(CFD)的发展    1
    1.2.2 CFD技术在离心泵内部流场模拟研究的现状    2
    1.2.3 PIV技术及其在离心泵实验分析的应用    3
    1.3 本课题研究内容    3
    1.4本章小结    4
    2 离心泵内部流场的理论基础    5
    2.1 流体力学与计算流体力学理论基础    5
    2.1.1 流体力学基本控制方程    5
    2.2 湍流模型    6
    2.3 离心泵内部流场的数值模拟基础    9
    2.3.1 数值模拟方法    9
    2.3.2 基于FVM的流体力学方程离散方法    9
    2.3.3 FVM的求解方法    9
    2.4 本章小结    9
    3 离心泵的三文实体建模    10
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