    摘要:课题来源于生产实际,具体的课题是柴油机齿轮室盖钻镗专机总体及主轴箱设计。在设计前认真研究被加工零件的图样,研究其尺寸、形状、材料、硬度、重量、加工部位的结构及加工精度和表面粗糙度要求等内容,为设计提供大量的数据、资料,作好充分的、全面的技术准备。组合机床是根据工件加工需要,以大量通用部件为基础,配以少量专用部件组成的一种高效率专用机床。目前,组合机床主要用于平面加工和孔加工两类工序。平面加工包括铣平面、锪(刮)平面、车平面;孔加工包括钻、扩、铰、镗孔以及倒角、切槽、攻螺纹、锪沉孔滚压孔等。随着综合自动化的发展,其工艺范围正扩大到车外圆、行星铣削、拉削、推削、磨削、珩磨及抛光、冲压等工序。此外,还可以完成焊接、热处理、自动装配和检测、清洗和零件分类及打印等非切削工作。 组合机床在汽车、拖拉机、柴油机、电机、仪器仪表、军工及缝纫机、自行车等轻工行业大批大量生产中已经获得广泛的应用;一些中小批量生产是企业,如机床、机车、工程制造业中也已推广应用。组合机床最适宜于加工各种大中型箱体类零件,如汽缸盖、汽缸体、变速箱体、电机座及仪表壳等零件;也可用来完成轴套类、轮盘类、叉架类和盖板类零件的部分或全部工序的加工。36406
    毕业论文关键词:镗孔 钻孔 工艺 主轴
    Abstract   The subject originates from the production practice, the concrete subject is the general and the main shaft box design of the boring machine of the diesel engine gear chamber.. In the design of the former seriously study is the pattern of parts processing, its size, shape, material, hardness, weight, machining parts structure and processing precision and surface roughness of content research, provide large amounts of data and information for the design, prepare full, comprehensive technical preparations.The combination machine tool is a kind of high-efficiency special machine tool, which is based on the workpiece machining, and is composed of a large number of common components.. At present, the combination machine tool is mainly used in planar machining and machining of two kinds of processes.. Plane processing including plane milling and shaving (scraping) plane, plane car; hole processing including drilling, reaming, reaming, boring and chamfer, notch, tapping countersink sink hole hole rolling etc.. With the development of integrated automation, its craft scope is expanding to the outside of the car round, pull the planetary milling, cutting, broaching, grinding, honing and polishing, stamping processes. In addition, the welding, heat treatment, automatic assembly and detection, cleaning and parts classification and printing and other non cutting work.Combination machine tool in automobiles, tractors, diesel engine, motor, instrumentation, military and sewing machine, bike etc. in light industry, mass production has been widely used; some small batch production is the enterprise, such as machine tools, locomotives, and engineering industry also has been applied in manufacturing. Combination machine is most suitable for processing all kinds of large and medium-sized box type parts, such as steam cylinder head, a cylinder body, a gear box, a motor seat and a meter shell parts; also can be used to complete the shaft and wheel, fork frame and a cover plate parts at some or all stages of processing.
    Keyword:Boring spindle drilling technology
    目    录
     摘要  1
     Abstract    2
    2  组合机床总体设计5
     2.1  组合机床工艺方案的制定 5
     2.2  组合机床配置型式及结构方案的确定 6
     2.3  各侧具体零部件的设计、计算及选择 6
          2.3.1 刀具的选择 6
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