    Pressure sizing machine design
    Abstract:Physical properties of coating surface sizing is usually to prevent infiltration of liquid, let the paper obtain better surface properties and improved pages, improve the properties of base paper is the most efficient means. Through the surface applied glue machine emulsion glue continuous, uniform, and stable coating on the surface of the paper, after infiltration, infiltration and extrusion, a series of physical action, in the paper surface to form a thin layer of waterproof layer, greatly improve the water absorbency of the paper and also in glue improve between fibers with the tightness of paper strength and, which can improve the paper lateral ring crush index, longitudinal crack breaking length and other technical indicators.
    There are two rollers in the pressure sizing machine, the angle between the upper and the lower rollers is 30.. In order to facilitate the cited paper, the differential screw mechanism and bottom air cushion device regulation two roll gaps and different line pressure, in order to give different paper and different adhesive, different line pressure requirements applied glue process. Two roller two motor drive, with the hydraulic system, glue liquid in the plastic box through the nozzle, adjust the flow rate of sizing, to achieve the best sizing effect.
    Key Words:Sizing machine, surface uniform sizing, line pressure, two roll, convexity
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题的背景    2
    1.2 压力施胶机国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 表面施胶机新技术    2
    1.4 压力施胶机课题的实际应用    3
    2 压力施胶机工作原理以及主体结构    3
    3 压力施胶机设计方案认证    5
    3.1 主要结构分析    5
    3.2 施胶机转轴的设计    5
    3.2.1 施胶机转轴动力参数的计算    6
    3.2.2 轴径的初步计算    7
    3.2.3 上压辊轴体积和重量计算    7
    3.2.4 下压辊轴体积和重量计算    8
    3.3 压力施胶机压辊的设计    8
    3.3.1 上压辊体积和重量计算    8
    3.3.2 下压辊轴体积和重量计算    9
    3.3.3 压辊的强度计算与校核    9
    3.3.4 压辊结构设计和工艺要求    11
    3.4 压力施胶机辊筒的设计    12
    3.4.1 滚筒设计要求    12
    3.4.2 辊筒的设计与工艺要求    12
    3.4.3 辊筒的挠度计算    13
    3.3.4 辊筒的刚度计算    17
    3.4.5 滚筒临界速度的计算    18
    3.4.6 辊筒动允许不平衡量的计算    19
    3.4.7 辊筒与轴过盈配合的计算    19
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