    毕业论文关键词: 接插件;自动上料;分度盘;滚珠丝杠;伺服电机
    The design of more joint automatic sorting and feeding mechanism
    Abstract: the design of this project be automatic sorting and feeding mechanism in order to realize  the aim, is automatic packing,eliminate accumulation error, while reducing the cost of   labor. In the design process, according to the design requirements , mainly design on piding machine clamping connectors of the institutions and baffle device, insert box, rotatingarm and some agencies to determine the overall structure, realize the whole line feeding order constantly, and according to the design to draw 3 d map. In design process, including the vibration plate, cylinder, servo motor, ball screw, and a series of components selection and calculation of the electromagnetic valve, To determine the size, drawing out ofthe general assembly drawing and parts drawing. mainly design on the bench and workbench clamping device,  ball screw choose, and can realize automatic feed of servo motors. Based on the design and research of these aspects, canreduce labor costs, reduce the error, also simplifies organization. This in practical production have very good promotion effect and meaning.
    Keywords: Connectors;automatic feeding;index plate;ball screw;Servo motor
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题背景    1
    1.1.1线束    1
    1.1.2 线束生产工艺    1
    1.2 线束生产设备现状    3
    1.2.1线束生产设备国内发展现状    3
    1.2.2 插植机国外的发展状况    5
    1.3 全自动多线色送线压接插植机    7
    2 机构设计理论简介及工艺分析    12
    2.1原始数据    12
    2.2技术要求    12
    2.3 接插件上料机工艺流程    12
    2.4 多接头自动排序与上料机构设计总体方案    12
    3 机构的设计与选型    15
    3.1自动排序与上料机    15
    3.2上料机构设计    15
    3.2.1压料气缸的选型计算    17
    3.2.2 分度台的设计    18
    3.2.3电磁铁的选型    18
    3.2.4光电传感器    20
    3.2.5电磁铁负载力计算    22
    4分度盘的选型与计算    24
    4.1 分度盘    24
    4.1.1 分度盘的组成     24
    4.1.2 分度盘种类    24
    4.1.3 电动分度盘应用领域    24
    4.1.4 电动分度盘特性    24
    4.1.5 电动分度盘的优势    25
    4.2电动分度盘选型计算    25
    4.2.1机械机构参数    25
    5 线盒的设计    29
    5.1 线盒右板以及小盒子的设计    29
    5.2直线滑轨选型计算    31
    5.2.1直线导轨 (1)简介    31
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