    毕业论文关键词: 小型路面拌和机;拌和转子;调深装置;带传动;拌和刀具
    Small road pavers design
    Abstract: Currently, in municipal roads and highways construction, the main application is the large road pavers. However, for small-scale or small area on-site construction, large road pavers are not qualified. Therefore, the small road pavers are particularly important. China's current small-scale road pavers’ production volume and variety still small and the prices are relatively high. Therefore, this paper aims to study the small road pavers’ relevant parameters and structure to achieve the desired work requirements, reduce production costs. This article is completed by theoretical analysis and calculation of small road paver’s frame, deep tone means and work equipment - mixing rotor design. In the power plant, taking into account the requirements of the site can use the motor power limitations, so choose the engine as the driving force. Transmission mainly for the belt drive, the content includes choice of belt type and the pulley design. The design content of work device includes mixing shaft design, calculation and checking the shaft and the shaft parts fixation, etc. Deep tone means mainly through the rear support wheel angle adjustment to achieve the depth of the threaded rod control mixing.
    Keywords: small road pavers design; mixing rotor; the device of depth adjust; the belt drive; Mixing Tools
    1绪论    1
    1.1 路面拌和机简介    1
    1.2路面拌和机的分类    1
    1.3国内外路面拌和机的发展概况    3
    1.3.1 国外路面拌和机的发展水平和趋势    3
    1.3.2 国内路面拌和机发展水平和趋势    4
    1.3.3 路面拌和机技术的发展趋势    5
    1.4课题研究的目的与意义    5
    2拌和转子的总体方案设计    7
    2.1动力及传动方案的设计    7
    2.2拌和转子的悬挂方案设计    7
    2.3转子旋转方向方案设计    8
    3拌和转子的结构设计    11
    3.1 拌和转子的基本结构    11
    3.2 拌和转子的工作原理    11
    3.3拌和转子相关参数的确定    12
    3.3.1 滚筒直径的确定    12
    3.3.2 刀具安装角度的确定    12
    3.3.3 刀具的数目及其排列方式    13
    4拌和机相关元件的设计计算    15
    4.1 发动机功率计算与选型    15
    4.2 V带带轮设计    18
    4.3拌和转轴的设计计算    23
    4.3.1轴的 材料和热处理的选择    24
    4.3.2轴的结构尺寸设计    24
    5关键元件的计算与校核    28
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