    This paper completed the design of real time detecting system of the focal mechanism of the tamping coke oven push, the system completed of tamping coke oven coke pushing process to be measured in the shaft torque and rotate speed of change and the real-time monitoring of the coke pushing rod displacement and vibration state changes.The system can reflect the working conditions in real-time when coke oven push coke, and have instant reaction to the working environment and state, so it can be easy to monitor coke oven coke.
        The main content of this subject is the structure design and selection of the sensor and the design of the structure.. Select appropriate sensors for detection of coke oven coke pushing process to be measured in the axis of the torque and speed change of and coke pushing rod displacement and vibration state, and design appropriate mechanical structure sensors installed to work properly. After the strength of the bolts for each mechanism connecting part of the check to ensure that the safety of the device.
    1 绪论    3
    1.1 引言    3
    1.2 项目背景    3
    2.设计方案的确定    3
    2.1 课题中的主要重点及解决方案    3
    2.2 实时监测系统拟定的一般原则    4
    2.3 确定最终的实时检测方案    4
    2.3.1 技术参数    4
    2.3.2 最终设计方案    4
    3推焦杆推力测试系统的设计    6
    3.1 测试方法的选择与设计    6
    3.2 测试仪器的选择与设计    7
    3.3 传感器的连接与安装设计    7
    4实际工作转速测试系统的设计    12
    4.1 测试方法的选择与设计    12
    4.2传感器的选择与设计    12
    4.3测试仪器的选择与设计    13
    4.4传感器的安装与连接    13
    5实际工作中振动测试系统的设计    14
    5.1测试方法的选择与设计    14
    5.2传感器的选择与设计    14
    5.3 测试仪器的选择与设计    15
    5.4传感器的安装与连接    16
    6 测试系统的总成设计    17
    6.1实时检测系统的概述    17
    6.2 计算机数据采集与检测系统的选择    21
    6.3测试系统总成    22
    7结论    25
    8致谢    26
    9参考文献    26
    1 绪论
      1.1 引言
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