    Automatic Rubber Tube Dissection
    Abstract:The development of automatic rubber tube dissection is a research subject for the disposal of containers used in the transportation of chemical industry.The transportation of liquid chemical industry and trade industrial products mainly rely on chemical glue tube costumes,abandoned the rubber barrel will be after one use,which will be on the environment caused great harm and is a waste of resources,so it is necessary for recycling secondary use.In the process of recycling,the large plastic cylinder can be pided into pieces to crush the crusher.In the development of plastic tube profile,the material feeding system,material cutting system and cutting material positioning system are designed according to the mechanical design of the machine.In the three parts,the material cutting system is the most important,involving the selection of cutting tools and motor,reducer design,etc.The material push system is designed for the integration of the crank slider mechanism with the quick return characteristics.After cutting the material positioning system is the trend of the material after cutting,ensuring the running of the whole organization is smooth.This design completes the development of the plastic cylinder profile extension,and meets the requirements of the project.
    Keywords: Profile extension;Retarder;Material push device
    目 录
    1绪论    1
      1.1 课题背景    1
      1.2 课题前景    3
      1.3 本课题现状及主要内容    4
    2 胶筒剖分机的的总体结构    6
      2.1 机架设计方案    6
      2.2 机架地脚螺栓选用    6
      2.3 机架材料选择    7
      2.4 机架钢板的连接    7
      2.5 定位机架应力分析    8
        2.5.1 有限元分析过程    8
        2.5.2 应力分析结果    11
        2.5.3 静态位移量分析结果    12
        2.5.4 应变量分析结果    12
        2.5.5 质量和体积属性    13
      2.6 定位架设计    14
    3切割部分设计    16
      3.1 刀具材料的性能    16
      3.2 刀具材料的选择    16
      3.3 剖分装置设计    17
        3.3.1 电机选择    17
        3.3.2 带的选型    18
        3.3.3 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数    19
      3.4刀具电机安装结构设计    21
    4物料推送装置设计    23
      4.1 齿轮设计计算    24
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