    毕业论文关键词:超临界流体  染色管设计 超临界流体印染设备
    Abstract:This is designed by the continuous supercritical fluid dyeing and printing equipment, mainly consists of high pressure dyeing tube, flange, yarn of car, cut-off device, and other accessories.This article mainly analyzes the current research and development of supercritical fluid at home and abroad, prospects the future and analyzes supercritical fluid dyeing device .In accordance with the requirements of supercritical fluid dyeing and printing process, the design will decorate in the dyeing tube on the circumferential and axial direction design insulation mechanism, ensure to realize constant temperature constant pressure in the process of dyeing.And according to the relevant materials to the reasonable material intensity, the design of seal structure for dyeing tube sealing
    Keywords: supercritical fluid dyeing tube , supercritical fluid dyeing and printing equipment
    目  录
    1.超临界流体印染概述    1
     1.1超临界流体印染的原理    1
     1.2国内外超临界流体印染的意义    1
     1.3超临界流体印染发展方向    2
     1.4本章小结    3
    2.超临界流体印染装置分析    4
     2.1国内外主要超临界流体印染装置介绍    4
     2.2超临界流体印染装置主要技术特点    7
     2.3本章小结    7
    3.超临界流体染色装置的总体设计    8
     3.1超临界流体印染装置设计需要达到的效果    8
     3.2超临界流体印染装置的主要参数    8
     3.3超临界流体印染的工艺流程    8
    4.高压染色管设计    10
     4.1染色管的设计条件    10
     4.2材料选择    11
     4.3设计标准    11
     4.4 染色管厚度校核    11
     4.5染色管的校核    12
     4.6高压染色管长度和内径分布    13
     4.7高压染色管管道的开孔    15
         4.8本章小节    1
    5.法兰的设计    18
     5.1材料的选择    18
     5.2整体法兰设计    18
     5.3法兰上各零件应力的校核    22
     5.4本章小节     24
    6.纱车的设计    28
     6.1纱筒的设计    28
     6.2纱车尺寸的设计    30
     6.3密封圈的选型    35
     6.4弹簧的设计    35
       6.4.1材料的选取    35
       6.4.2弹簧的许用应力    36
       6.3.3弹簧直径    36
       6.3.4弹簧所需的刚度    36
       6.3.5弹簧刚度、变形量和负荷校核    37
       6.3.6自由高度、受压时高度和形变量    37
       6.3.7负荷和试验负荷下的高度和形变量    38
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