    毕业论文关键词: 送料方式;抬料机构;冲裁模具;棘轮机构
    The design of Paper tape puncher
    Abstract: This article is about "paper tape puncher". Although the equipment shape is small, the structure is very special. Because the processing object is paper products. In design, according to the characteristics of paper tape, which is different from plastic film puncher, make it conform to the new processing requirements. How to select the way of feeding? According to the characteristics of paper tape, the choice of feeding way about this puncher is to push. The mechanism works through the rotation of the spindle, which drives the three movements about punching, lifting and feeding. The eccentric wheel is responsible for driving the punch punching and lifting material. And cam mechanism is responsible for feeding material. In the process of feeding, first to uplift material, and then feeding. So need to calculate the lifting force. In order to meet the design requirements, It is necessary to calculate the size of the cutting force and the size of the axis force, Then to determine the power of the motor and choose motor reasonably. To determine the selection of shaft by calculating the moment, torque, strength, etc.. To choose ratchet according to requirements that ratchet turned each an angle can drive the tape forward 3mm. In addition, the reasonable forming process and advanced mold of paper products are indispensable factors. The bearing can be reached by load and life. And calculating the parameters of the cam, eccentric wheel and lever mechanism.
     Keywords: feeding way; lift material structure; punching mold; ratchet mechanism
     目 录
    摘要     Ⅰ
    Abstract    Ⅱ
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题来源    1
    1.2 选题背景及其意义    1
    1.3 纸带式穿孔机在国内外的发展前景    1
    1.4 设计的原始参数及技术要求    3
    2 纸带式穿孔机的结构分析与工作原理    4
    2.1纸带式穿孔机的结构分析    4
    2.1.1送料方式的选择    4
    2.1.2送料机构的分类    4
    2.2纸带式穿孔机的工作原理    5
    3冲料机构的设计及计算    7
    3.1冲裁模具结构的设计    7
    3.2冲头的设计    7
    3.3冲裁力的分析与计算    7
    4抬料机构的设计及计算    9
    4.1抬料机构的设计    9
    4.2抬料力的计算    9
    5送料机构的设计及计算    10
    5.1送料机构的总体设计    10
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