    Calculations and Design for SHL10-1.25/250-W Boiler
    Abstract:According to design parameters that has given design and the relevant design information, we make heat calculations and preliminary design calculation on SHL10-1.25/250-W boiler.The main contents include introduction, fuel and combustion calculations, boiler heat calculation balance,boiler furnace,anti-thermal residue management and other computing devices.In the thermal calculation, firstly,we use the methods of assumptions,and then check them and successive approximation to calculateing .Simultaneously,we determine the size of furnace and related components and layout of various heating surface.In the design, through a lot of information about the chain boiler, this boileris are widely used in the modern industry, and the technology is more and more ripe, so it provides a helpful program for the subject-based chain boiler design.this design also includes mission statement ,calculation specifications,the CAD chart of the boiler body , air preheater and economizer[10].
    Keywords: chain boiler ; furnace ;thermal calculation.
    1 绪论    1
    1.1设计题目的提出    1
    1.1.1工业锅炉的概述    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    2
    1.3设计内容与研究方法    2
    1.3.1设计主要内容    2
    1.3.2研究方法    2
    1.3.3热力计算步骤    3
    2设计任务书    3
    2.1设计题目    3
    2.2原始数据    3
    2.3燃料特征    3
    3.炉膛热力计算    4
    3.1烟道空气系数及受热面漏风系数    4
    3.2辅助计算    5
    3.2.1理论空气与烟气的特性计算    5
    3.2.2燃烧产物容积和焓的计算    6
    3.2.3锅炉热平衡及消耗量计算    12
    3.2.4锅炉热平衡及燃料消耗量计算    14
    3.3炉膛几何特性及热力计算    15
    3.3.1炉膛结构特性计算    16
    3.3.2炉膛热力计算    19
    4对流受热面的热力计算    22
    4.1锅炉的对流受热面的概述    22
    4.1.1对流过热面    22
    4.1.2对流传热过程    22
    4.2防渣管结构特性及热力计算    23
    4.2.1防渣管结构特性    23
    4.2.2防渣管热力计算    24
    4.3过热器结构特性及热力计算    27
    4.3.1过热器结构的特性计算    27
    4.3.2过热器的热力计算    28
    4.4锅炉管束结构特性及热力计算    33
    4.4.1锅炉管束结构计算    33
    4.4.2锅炉管束热力计算    35
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