    关键词  自动换刀装置 末端操作器 交流伺服电机 谐波减速器  连杆杠杆手爪
    Title    design of Automatic tool exchange robot  ——design of end effetor                                               
    Automatic tool change device (ATC) is to point to can automatically between spindle and cutter location tool change device, is to ensure that the basic requirement of machining center and multiple.Its main function is to reduce the non cutting in the processing time, and enhance the productivity of machine tool and the whole production line.Its mainly composed of horizontal mobile system, vertical lifting system and the operator at the end of three parts.Horizontal longitudinal mobile system selects the pinion and rack drive, transverse selects the ball screw pair and match the linear rolling guide transmission, horizontal and vertical guide are linear rolling guide rail, adopts ac servo motor drive.Vertical direction by ac servo motor drive,  with ball screw drive, guide using linear rolling guide rail.Terminal operator selects the harmonic reduction gear speed reducer, and at the same time using shaft coupling ac motor and drive shaft, shaft and gripper adopt the linkage.Operator at the end of the gripper designed double pivot lever type, use the spring force to push the lever clamping tool, the electromagnet to control the gripper opening and closing.
    Keywords  automatic tool changer  end effetor  AC servo motor  harmonic reducer  connecting rod leveraged hand
    1  引言    1
    1. 1 自动换刀装置的概念    1
    1. 2自动换刀装置的发展历史    1
    1. 3国内外发展现状    2
    1. 4自动换刀装置的发展趋势    2
    1. 5自动换刀装置的关键技术    3
    2  自动换刀机器人总体方案设计    4
    2. 1技术要求    4
    2. 2 总体设计    4
    2. 3 系统配置示意图    5
    2. 4 轨道运行形式    5
    2. 5 驱动方式的选择    7
    2. 6 传动方式的选择    8
    2.7 主体结构设计    11
    3  末端操作器结构设计    13
    3. 1 交流伺服电机选择    13
    3. 2 联轴器的选用    17
    3. 3 轴承的选用    19
    3. 4 销的选用和校核    19
    3. 5 手爪的结构设计    20
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