    摘要大口径火箭弹发射时由于初速较低,火箭弹刚出定向器时头部下沉的角加速度过大,如不及时修正则会发生危险,为了保证大口径火箭弹的高低轨同时离轨发射,应当设计轻质适配器并研究分离过程。本论文通过对以往的适配器研究成果进行学习和借鉴,从而进行适配器结构的设计,结构设计使用通用三文建模软件Solid works,并预先假设分离过程,采用计算机ADAMS软件对适配器和模拟的火箭弹进行分离过程的分析和数值模拟,从该软件得到的运动学和动力学数据,从而得到进行适配器(块)优化的理论基础,对已设计的适配器结构进行优化,提高适配器的分离过程可靠性和效率。31884
    关键词  大口径火箭弹  适配器结构  分离过程  优化
    Title  Lightweight adapter architecture design and analysis of the separation process                           
    Due to the low initial velocity of the large-caliber rocket launchers, When the rocket shells left the orientator, the angular acceleration of head sinking is too large, if we don’t correct it in time, it would be dangerous, In order to ensure the large-caliber rockets are transmitted simultaneously from the high-low track, we should design lightweight adapter and analyze the separation process. The paper learns from previous research results on adapters and carries out adapter architecture design. Structure design uses a common three-dimensional modeling software Solid works. And we presuppose the separation process, and then use ADAMS computer software to analyze the separation processes of simulated rocket and adapter and proceed numerical simulation, and then kinematic and kinetic data are obtained from the software. Whereby we get the theoretical basis for the adapter (block) optimization and optimize the designed adapter structure so we can improve the reliability and efficiency of the adapter's separation process.
    Keywords  large-caliber rockets  adapter architecture  separation process   optimization
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2  有关适配器的发展和研究状况    1
    1.3  研究方法    2
    2  原始数据及设计要求    4
    2.1  原始数据    4
    2.2  设计要求    4
    3  设计计算    5
    3.1  设计计算的简化条件    5
    3.1.1  空气阻力    5
    3.1.2  温度因素    5
    3.2  结构尺寸设计计算    6
    3.2.1  结构探索    6
    3.2.2  弹簧的设计计算    7
    3.2.3  适配器本体尺寸    7
    3.2.4  弹簧尺寸    8
    3.2.5  滑块结构    8
    3.2.6  火箭弹弹体有关数据    8
    3.2.7  预设的火箭弹滑轨参数    8
    材料选择    9
    4.1  滑轨材料    9
    4.2  弹簧材料    9
    4.3  滑块材料    9
    4.4  适配器材料选择    9
    4.4.1  适配器材料要求    9
    4.4.2  多种材料性能数据    9
    4.4.3  适配器材料选择及分析    10
    4.4.4  适配器材料详细性能介绍    10
    5  强度校核    12
    5.1  火箭弹弹体校核    12
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