    关键词: 激光选区熔化技术;铝合金压壳结构件;工艺参数优化
    Title  Design of Experiment Scheme for Machining Aluminum Alloy Shell                  
            Structure Based on Additive Manufacturing                                         
    Selective Laser Melting technology is applied widely because of its short manufacturing cycle, etc., in the aerospace, automotive, biological medical complex special-shaped structure for manufacturing widely attention.This topic main research press for aluminum alloy shell structure of material manufacturing technology, laser constituency in his constituency of fully understand the laser melt molding technology principle, the operation steps of metal forming equipment, basic molding process optimization method, on the basis of the increasing of pressure hull structure material manufacturing experiment plan formulation, process parameter optimization methods focus on aluminum alloy material, achieve the printing pressure casing.Main work includes:
    (1) the research material manufacturing technology at home and abroad development situation, grasp the basic principle of laser district melting technology related;
    (2) according to the aluminum alloy powder characteristics and experiment equipment parameter design to add material manufacturing plan, and the experimental results were analyzed;
    (3) complete aluminum alloy shell structure of pressure increases material manufacturing, and to evaluate the quality of parts.
    Based on the research content, suitable for aluminium alloy melt molding powder laser constituency the optimal laser power and scanning speed, realizes the aluminum alloy shell structure of pressure increases material manufacturing.
    Keywords: Selective Laser Melting; Aluminum alloy shell structures; technological parameter
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2 激光选区熔化技术的基本原理    2
    1.3 激光选区熔化技术国外发展现状    4
    1.3.1 激光选区熔化技术国外发展现状    4
    1.3.2 激光选区熔化技术国内发展现状    5
    1.4 课题研究内容    6
    1.5 论文内容安排    6
    1.6 本章小结    1
    2 激光作用金属粉末基本原理    7
    2.1 激光作用粉末基本原理    7
    2.2 主要成型缺陷    8
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