    控制电路和PC机, 软件部分包括三文精密工作台步进电机驱动程序和上位机人机
    关键词:基因芯片点样仪 三文精密工作台 单片机 步进电机 串口通信
    Title  The machanical structure and control system design of
    a three-dimensional precision stage                        
    Gene chip technology through which a large number of genetic information
    can be detected fast, high-throughput and parallel is a kind of
    multi-disciplinary technology. The development of Gene chip technology
    began in 1990s. Since then, this technology has been widely applied in
    many areas of biological testing, medical examination and drug  screening.
    The main device for gene chip preparation is the gene chip microarray.
    To meet the requirements of gene chip microarray technology, a three-
    dimensional precision stage combined with the micro-fluid pulse
    drive-control system has been designed. The 3-D(three-dimensional)
    precision stage is instructed with hardware part and software part. The
    hardware includes a  3-D stage, stepper motor control circuits and a
    PC(computer), and the software includes a 3-D precision stage stepper
    motor driver program and a human-computer interaction interface. The
    design of a 3-D precision stage has the advantages that PC is suitable
    for large-scale calculating program and SCM (Single Chip Microcomputer)
    for the field control. The PC and the SCM cooperate online, and all the
    data transmission is via RS-232 serial communication. PC is used for data
    processing and microarray image simulation and SCM is used to respond to
    the PC control commands, give an order to drive a stepper motor running
    to achieve the movement of the gene chip microarray.
    Keywords: gene chip microarray  three-dimensional precision stage  SCM
    stepper motor driver  serial communication  
    目   次
    1.  绪论...1
    1.1.  基因芯片点样技术...1
    1.1.1.  基因芯片1
    1.1.2.  基因芯片点样技术..1
    1.2.  基因芯片点样仪.2
    1.2.1.  基因芯片点样仪结构型式..2
    1.2.2.  三文精密工作台点样仪5
    1.3.  研究内容.6
    2.  三文精密工作台总体方案设计..7
    2.1.  设计方案.7
    2.2.  设计指标.7
    2.3.  硬件组成.8
    2.3.1.  上位机....8
    2.3.2.  下位机核心板....9
    2.3.3.  步进电机驱动器9
    2.4.  工作坐标系的确定...9
    2.5.  本章小结.....10
    3.  三文精密工作台机械结构设计11
    3.1.  机械结构总体设计.11
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